# CHANGELOG ## [0.1.11] fix pubspec version ## [0.1.10] fix bug fix a error widget bug. ## [0.1.9] fix all assets i18n provider ## [0.1.8] Fixed crash bug when the number of photos or videos was zero. ## [0.1.7] add a badge delegate for asset ## [0.1.6] rollback photo_manager version sort asset by date ## [0.1.5] rollback photo_manager version ## [0.1.4] fix thumb is null bug fix thumb bug. ## [0.1.3] support ios icloud asset ## [0.1.2] fix bug fix all path hasVideo property bug ## [0.1.1] fix bug and add params add loadingDelegate ## [0.1.0] support video API incompatibility ImageXXX rename AssetXXX ## [0.0.8] fix bug DefaultCheckBoxBuilderDelegate params checkColor not valid bug ## [0.0.7] fix bug fix dividerColor not valid bug ## [0.0.6] add checkbox delegate users can use CheckBoxDelegate to custom preview right bottom widget ## [0.0.5] add a params add the sort delegate to help user sort gallery Optimized LruCache add a loading refresh indicator in the gallery ## [0.0.4] fix #1 fix request other permission will crash bug depo photo_manager 0.0.3 ## [0.0.3] add the thumb size to option add a params for pick image , thumb size ## [0.0.2] fix bug preview sure button bug preview bottom safeArea ## [0.0.1] first version image picker