Geen omschrijving
lucky1213 fa9996f319 back photo_manager 4 jaren geleden
.github Update issue templates 5 jaren geleden
.vscode add pick type params 6 jaren geleden
example fix pickCamera parameter default & update readme 4 jaren geleden
lib fix pickCamera parameter default & update readme 4 jaren geleden
test remove test ref 6 jaren geleden
.gitignore Update ignore. 5 jaren geleden Update changelog. 5 jaren geleden
LICENSE Update LICENSE 6 jaren geleden fix pickCamera parameter default & update readme 4 jaren geleden
pubspec.lock back photo_manager 4 jaren geleden
pubspec.yaml back photo_manager 4 jaren geleden


image picker, multi picker

support ios icloud

support video

support camera

use flutter as ui

if you want to build custom ui, you just need api to make custom ui. to use photo_manager or fork the library to custom ui.




import 'package:photo/photo.dart';
import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart';

Usage 从相册选择


void pickAssets() async {
  PickedEntity result = await PhotoPicker.pickAsset(
    context: context, 
    provider: locale,
    type: PickType.onlyImage,
  /// Use assetList to do something.


The context is required, other params is optional.

void pickAsset() async {
  PickedEntity result = await PhotoPicker.pickAsset(
    // BuildContext requied
    context: context,
    // item row count
    rowCount: 4,
    // item radio
    itemRadio: 1,
    // max picker image count
    maxSelected: 8,
    // item padding
    padding: 1,
    // i18n provider ,default is chinese. , you can custom I18nProvider or use ENProvider()
    provider: I18nProvider.chinese,
    // preview thumb size , default is 128
    thumbSize: 150,
    // theme, 默认使用MaterialApp定义的theme
    theme: PhotoTheme(),
    // default is common ,or you make custom delegate to sort your gallery
    sortDelegate: SortDelegate.common,
    // if you want to build custom loading widget,extends LoadingDelegate [see example/lib/main.dart]
    loadingDelegate: DefaultLoadingDelegate(), 
    // all/image/video
    pickType: type, 
    // 可以理解为相册文件夹 when [photoPathList] is not null , [pickType] invalid .
    List<AssetPathEntity> photoPathList, 
    //  已选择的asset
    List<AssetEntity> pickedAssetList 

Usage 使用相机

void pickCamera() async {
  // 参数来源自 ImagePicker.pickImage
  File result = await PhotoPicker.pickCamera(
    maxWidth: 100, 
    maxHeight: 100,
    imageQuality: 100,
    preferredCameraDevice: CameraDevice.rear,


// 选中的assets 取消/默认 是空数组
List<AssetEntity> asset

// 是否是原图 默认 false
bool isFullImage

About photoPathList params

You can use [photo_manager] package to get List<AssetPathEntity> and handle or cache.

This parameter is then passed into the pickAsset method, where the incoming photoList is rendered instead of the data in the album.

About android

Migrate to androidX

See the gitbook


Android native use glide to create image thumb bytes, version is 4.8.0.

If your other android library use the library, and version is not same, then you need edit your android project’s build.gradle.

rootProject.allprojects {

    subprojects {
        project.configurations.all {
            resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->
                if ( == 'com.github.bumptech.glide'
                        &&'glide')) {
                    details.useVersion "4.8.0"


if you use the proguard

see the github

About ios

Because the album is a privacy privilege, you need user permission to access it. You must to modify the Info.plist file in Runner project.

like next

<string>App need your agree, can visit your album</string>

Build error

if you build error like include of non-modular header inside framework module, see #10 or so