// Copyright (c) 2018, the Zefyr project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:quill_delta/quill_delta.dart'; import 'package:notus/notus.dart'; final boldStyle = NotusStyle().merge(NotusAttribute.bold); final h1Style = NotusStyle().merge(NotusAttribute.h1); final h2Style = NotusStyle().merge(NotusAttribute.h2); final ulStyle = NotusStyle().merge(NotusAttribute.ul); final bqStyle = NotusStyle().merge(NotusAttribute.bq); void main() { group('$LineNode', () { ContainerNode root; setUp(() { root = RootNode(); }); test('empty', () { LineNode node = LineNode(); expect(node, isEmpty); expect(node.length, 1); expect(node.style, NotusStyle()); expect(node.toDelta().toList(), [Operation.insert('\n')]); }); test('hasEmbed', () { LineNode node = LineNode(); expect(node.hasEmbed, isFalse); node.add(EmbedNode()); expect(node.hasEmbed, isTrue); }); test('nextLine', () { root.insert( 0, 'Hello world\nThis is my first multiline\nItem\ndocument.', null); root.retain(38, 1, ulStyle); root.retain(43, 1, bqStyle); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line.toPlainText(), 'Hello world\n'); var next = line.nextLine; expect(next.toPlainText(), 'This is my first multiline\n'); next = next.nextLine; expect(next.toPlainText(), 'Item\n'); next = next.nextLine; expect(next.toPlainText(), 'document.\n'); expect(next.nextLine, isNull); }); test('toString', () { LineNode node = LineNode(); node.insert(0, 'London "Grammar" - Hey Now', null); node.retain(0, 16, boldStyle); node.applyAttribute(NotusAttribute.h1); expect('$node', '¶ ⟨London "Grammar"⟩b → ⟨ - Hey Now⟩ ⏎ {heading: 1}'); }); test('splitAt with multiple text segments', () { root.insert(0, 'This house is a circus', null); root.retain(0, 4, boldStyle); root.retain(16, 6, boldStyle); LineNode line = root.first; final newLine = line.splitAt(10); expect(line.toPlainText(), 'This house\n'); expect(newLine.toPlainText(), ' is a circus\n'); }); test('insert into empty line', () { LineNode node = LineNode(); node.insert(0, 'London "Grammar" - Hey Now', null); expect(node, hasLength(27)); expect(node.toDelta(), Delta()..insert('London "Grammar" - Hey Now\n')); }); test('insert into empty line with styles', () { LineNode node = LineNode(); node.insert(0, 'London "Grammar" - Hey Now', null); node.retain(0, 16, boldStyle); node.applyAttribute(NotusAttribute.h1); expect(node, hasLength(27)); expect(node.childCount, 2); final delta = Delta() ..insert('London "Grammar"', boldStyle.toJson()) ..insert(' - Hey Now') ..insert('\n', NotusAttribute.h1.toJson()); expect(node.toDelta(), delta); }); test('insert into non-empty line', () { LineNode node = LineNode(); node.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); node.insert(11, '!!!', null); expect(node, hasLength(15)); expect(node.childCount, 1); expect(node.toDelta(), Delta()..insert('Hello world!!!\n')); }); test('insert text with line-break at the end of line', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); root.insert(11, '!!!\n', null); expect(root.childCount, 2); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line, hasLength(15)); expect(line.toDelta(), Delta()..insert('Hello world!!!\n')); LineNode line2 = root.last; expect(line2, hasLength(1)); expect(line2.toDelta(), Delta()..insert('\n')); }); test('insert into second text segment', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); root.retain(6, 5, boldStyle); root.insert(11, '!!!', null); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line, hasLength(15)); Delta delta = Delta() ..insert('Hello ') ..insert('world', boldStyle.toJson()) ..insert('!!!\n'); expect(line.toDelta(), delta); }); test('format line', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); root.retain(11, 1, h1Style); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line, hasLength(12)); Delta delta = Delta() ..insert('Hello world') ..insert('\n', NotusAttribute.h1.toJson()); expect(line.toDelta(), delta); }); test('format line with inline attributes', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); expect(() { root.retain(11, 1, boldStyle); }, throwsA(const TypeMatcher())); }); test('format text inside line with block/line attributes', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); expect(() { root.retain(10, 2, h1Style); }, throwsA(const TypeMatcher())); }); test('format root line to unset block style', () { final unsetBlock = NotusStyle().put(NotusAttribute.block.unset); root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); root.retain(11, 1, unsetBlock); expect(root.childCount, 1); expect(root.first, const TypeMatcher()); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line.style.contains(NotusAttribute.block), isFalse); }); test('format multiple empty lines', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world\n\n\n', null); root.retain(11, 3, ulStyle); expect(root.children, hasLength(2)); BlockNode block = root.first; expect(block.children, hasLength(3)); expect(block.toPlainText(), 'Hello world\n\n\n'); }); test('delete a line', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); root.delete(0, 12); expect(root, isEmpty); // TODO: this should really enforce at least one empty line. }); test('delete from the middle of a line', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world', null); root.delete(4, 3); root.delete(6, 1); expect(root.childCount, 1); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line, hasLength(8)); expect(line.childCount, 1); Delta lineDelta = Delta()..insert('Hellord\n'); expect(line.toDelta(), lineDelta); }); test('delete from non-first segment in line', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world, Ab cd ef!', null); root.retain(6, 5, boldStyle); root.delete(10, 5); expect(root.childCount, 1); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line, hasLength(18)); Delta lineDelta = Delta() ..insert('Hello ') ..insert('worl', boldStyle.toJson()) ..insert(' cd ef!\n'); expect(line.toDelta(), lineDelta); }); test('delete on multiple lines', () { root.insert(0, 'delete\nmultiple\nlines', null); root.retain(21, 1, h2Style); root.delete(3, 15); expect(root.childCount, 1); LineNode line = root.first; expect(line.childCount, 1); final delta = Delta()..insert('delnes')..insert('\n', h2Style.toJson()); expect(line.toDelta(), delta); }); test('delete empty line', () { root.insert( 0, 'Hello world\nThis is my first multiline\n\ndocument.', null); expect(root.childCount, 4); root.delete(39, 1); expect(root.childCount, 3); }); test('delete line-break of non-empty line', () { root.insert( 0, 'Hello world\nThis is my first multiline\n\ndocument.', null); root.retain(39, 1, h2Style); expect(root.childCount, 4); root.delete(38, 1); expect(root.childCount, 3); LineNode line = root.children.elementAt(1); expect(line.style.get(NotusAttribute.heading), NotusAttribute.h2); }); test('insert at the beginning of a line', () { root.insert( 0, 'Hello world\nThis is my first multiline\ndocument.', null); root.insert(12, 'Boom! ', null); expect(root.childCount, 3); expect(root.children.elementAt(1), hasLength(33)); }); test('delete last character of a line', () { root.insert( 0, 'Hello world\nThis is my first multiline\ndocument.', null); root.delete(37, 1); expect(root.childCount, 3); LineNode line = root.children.elementAt(1); expect(line.toDelta(), Delta()..insert('This is my first multilin\n')); }); test('collectStyle', () { // TODO: need more test cases for collectStyle root.insert( 0, 'Hello world\nThis is my first multiline\n\ndocument.', null); root.retain(38, 1, h2Style); root.retain(23, 5, boldStyle); var result = root.lookup(20); LineNode line = result.node; var attrs = line.collectStyle(result.offset, 5); expect(attrs, h2Style); }); test('collectStyle with embed nodes', () { root.insert(0, 'Hello world\n\nMore text.\n', null); NotusStyle style = NotusStyle(); style = style.put(NotusAttribute.embed.horizontalRule); root.insert(12, EmbedNode.kPlainTextPlaceholder, style); var lookup = root.lookup(0); LineNode line = lookup.node; var result = line.collectStyle(lookup.offset, 15); expect(result, isEmpty); }); }); }