// Copyright (c) 2018, the Zefyr project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:quill_delta/quill_delta.dart'; import 'package:notus/notus.dart'; final boldStyle = NotusStyle().merge(NotusAttribute.bold); final boldUnsetStyle = NotusStyle().put(NotusAttribute.bold.unset); final italicStyle = NotusStyle().merge(NotusAttribute.italic); void main() { group('$TextNode', () { LineNode line; TextNode node; setUp(() { line = LineNode(); node = TextNode('London "Grammar"'); line.add(node); }); test('new empty text', () { final node = TextNode(); expect(node.value, isEmpty); expect(node.length, 0); expect(node.style, NotusStyle()); expect(node.toDelta(), isEmpty); }); test('toString', () { node.applyAttribute(NotusAttribute.bold); node.applyAttribute(NotusAttribute.link.fromString('link')); expect('$node', '⟨London "Grammar"⟩ab'); }); test('new text with contents', () { expect(node.value, isNotEmpty); expect(node.length, 16); expect(node.toDelta().toList(), [Operation.insert('London "Grammar"')]); }); test('insert at the end', () { node.insert(16, '!!!', null); expect(node.value, 'London "Grammar"!!!'); }); test('delete tail', () { node.delete(6, 10); expect(node.value, 'London'); }); test('format substring', () { node.retain(8, 7, boldStyle); expect(line.children, hasLength(3)); expect(line.children.elementAt(0), hasLength(8)); expect(line.children.elementAt(1), hasLength(7)); expect(line.children.elementAt(2), hasLength(1)); }); test('format full segment', () { node.retain(0, 16, boldStyle); expect(line.childCount, 1); expect(node.value, 'London "Grammar"'); expect(node.style.values, [NotusAttribute.bold]); }); test('format with multiple styles', () { line.retain(0, 6, boldStyle); line.retain(0, 6, italicStyle); expect(line.childCount, 2); }); test('format to remove attribute', () { line.retain(0, 6, boldStyle); line.retain(0, 6, boldUnsetStyle); expect(line.childCount, 1); expect(node.value, 'London "Grammar"'); expect(node.style, isEmpty); }); test('format intersecting nodes', () { line.retain(0, 6, boldStyle); line.retain(3, 10, italicStyle); expect(line.childCount, 4); expect(line.children.elementAt(0), hasLength(3)); expect(line.children.elementAt(1), hasLength(3)); expect(line.children.elementAt(2), hasLength(7)); expect(line.children.elementAt(3), hasLength(3)); }); test('insert in formatted node', () { line.retain(0, 6, boldStyle); expect(line.childCount, 2); line.insert(3, 'don', null); expect(line.childCount, 4); final b = boldStyle.toJson(); expect( line.children.elementAt(0).toDelta(), Delta()..insert('Lon', b), ); expect( line.children.elementAt(1).toDelta(), Delta()..insert('don'), ); expect( line.children.elementAt(2).toDelta(), Delta()..insert('don', b), ); }); }); }