123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452 |
- // Copyright (c) 2018, the Zefyr project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
- // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
- // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
- import 'package:quiver_hashcode/hashcode.dart';
- /// Scope of a style attribute, defines context in which an attribute can be
- /// applied.
- enum NotusAttributeScope {
- /// Inline-scoped attributes are applicable to all characters within a line.
- ///
- /// Inline attributes cannot be applied to the line itself.
- inline,
- /// Line-scoped attributes are only applicable to a line of text as a whole.
- ///
- /// Line attributes do not have any effect on any character within the line.
- line,
- }
- /// Interface for objects which provide access to an attribute key.
- ///
- /// Implemented by [NotusAttribute] and [NotusAttributeBuilder].
- abstract class NotusAttributeKey<T> {
- /// Unique key of this attribute.
- String get key;
- }
- /// Builder for style attributes.
- ///
- /// Useful in scenarios when an attribute value is not known upfront, for
- /// instance, link attribute.
- ///
- /// See also:
- /// * [LinkAttributeBuilder]
- /// * [BlockAttributeBuilder]
- /// * [HeadingAttributeBuilder]
- abstract class NotusAttributeBuilder<T> implements NotusAttributeKey<T> {
- const NotusAttributeBuilder._(this.key, this.scope);
- final String key;
- final NotusAttributeScope scope;
- NotusAttribute<T> get unset => new NotusAttribute<T>._(key, scope, null);
- NotusAttribute<T> withValue(T value) =>
- new NotusAttribute<T>._(key, scope, value);
- }
- /// Style attribute applicable to a segment of a Notus document.
- ///
- /// All supported attributes are available via static fields on this class.
- /// Here is an example of applying styles to a document:
- ///
- /// void makeItPretty(Notus document) {
- /// // Format 5 characters at position 0 as bold
- /// document.format(0, 5, NotusAttribute.bold);
- /// // Similarly for italic
- /// document.format(0, 5, NotusAttribute.italic);
- /// // Format first line as a heading (h1)
- /// // Note that there is no need to specify character range of the whole
- /// // line. Simply set index position to anywhere within the line and
- /// // length to 0.
- /// document.format(0, 0, NotusAttribute.h1);
- /// }
- ///
- /// List of supported attributes:
- ///
- /// * [NotusAttribute.bold]
- /// * [NotusAttribute.italic]
- /// * [NotusAttribute.link]
- /// * [NotusAttribute.heading]
- /// * [NotusAttribute.block]
- class NotusAttribute<T> implements NotusAttributeBuilder<T> {
- static final Map<String, NotusAttributeBuilder> _registry = {
- NotusAttribute.bold.key: NotusAttribute.bold,
- NotusAttribute.italic.key: NotusAttribute.italic,
- NotusAttribute.link.key: NotusAttribute.link,
- NotusAttribute.heading.key: NotusAttribute.heading,
- NotusAttribute.block.key: NotusAttribute.block,
- NotusAttribute.embed.key: NotusAttribute.embed,
- };
- // Inline attributes
- /// Bold style attribute.
- static const bold = const _BoldAttribute();
- /// Italic style attribute.
- static const italic = const _ItalicAttribute();
- /// Link style attribute.
- static const link = const LinkAttributeBuilder._();
- // Line attributes
- /// Heading style attribute.
- static const heading = const HeadingAttributeBuilder._();
- /// Alias for [NotusAttribute.heading.level1].
- static NotusAttribute<int> get h1 => heading.level1;
- /// Alias for [NotusAttribute.heading.level2].
- static NotusAttribute<int> get h2 => heading.level2;
- /// Alias for [NotusAttribute.heading.level3].
- static NotusAttribute<int> get h3 => heading.level3;
- /// Block attribute
- static const block = const BlockAttributeBuilder._();
- /// Alias for [NotusAttribute.block.bulletList].
- static NotusAttribute<String> get ul => block.bulletList;
- /// Alias for [NotusAttribute.block.numberList].
- static NotusAttribute<String> get ol => block.numberList;
- /// Alias for [NotusAttribute.block.quote].
- static NotusAttribute<String> get bq => block.quote;
- /// Alias for [NotusAttribute.block.code].
- static NotusAttribute<String> get code => block.code;
- /// Embed style attribute.
- static const embed = const EmbedAttributeBuilder._();
- static NotusAttribute _fromKeyValue(String key, dynamic value) {
- if (!_registry.containsKey(key))
- throw new ArgumentError.value(
- key, 'No attribute with key "$key" registered.');
- final builder = _registry[key];
- return builder.withValue(value);
- }
- const NotusAttribute._(this.key, this.scope, this.value);
- /// Unique key of this attribute.
- final String key;
- /// Scope of this attribute.
- final NotusAttributeScope scope;
- /// Value of this attribute.
- ///
- /// If value is `null` then this attribute represents a transient action
- /// of removing associated style and is never persisted in a resulting
- /// document.
- ///
- /// See also [unset], [NotusStyle.merge] and [NotusStyle.put]
- /// for details.
- final T value;
- /// Returns special "unset" version of this attribute.
- ///
- /// Unset attribute's [value] is always `null`.
- ///
- /// When composed into a rich text document, unset attributes remove
- /// associated style.
- NotusAttribute<T> get unset => new NotusAttribute<T>._(key, scope, null);
- /// Returns `true` if this attribute is an unset attribute.
- bool get isUnset => value == null;
- /// Returns `true` if this is an inline-scoped attribute.
- bool get isInline => scope == NotusAttributeScope.inline;
- NotusAttribute<T> withValue(T value) =>
- new NotusAttribute<T>._(key, scope, value);
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- if (other is! NotusAttribute<T>) return false;
- NotusAttribute<T> typedOther = other;
- return key == typedOther.key &&
- scope == typedOther.scope &&
- value == typedOther.value;
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode => hash3(key, scope, value);
- @override
- String toString() => '$key: $value';
- Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => <String, dynamic>{key: value};
- }
- /// Collection of style attributes.
- class NotusStyle {
- NotusStyle._(this._data);
- final Map<String, NotusAttribute> _data;
- static NotusStyle fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
- if (data == null) return new NotusStyle();
- final result = data.map((String key, dynamic value) {
- var attr = NotusAttribute._fromKeyValue(key, value);
- return new MapEntry<String, NotusAttribute>(key, attr);
- });
- return new NotusStyle._(result);
- }
- NotusStyle() : _data = new Map<String, NotusAttribute>();
- /// Returns `true` if this attribute set is empty.
- bool get isEmpty => _data.isEmpty;
- /// Returns `true` if this attribute set is note empty.
- bool get isNotEmpty => _data.isNotEmpty;
- /// Returns `true` if this style is not empty and contains only inline-scoped
- /// attributes and is not empty.
- bool get isInline => isNotEmpty && values.every((item) => item.isInline);
- /// Checks that this style has only one attribute, and returns that attribute.
- NotusAttribute get single => _data.values.single;
- /// Returns `true` if attribute with [key] is present in this set.
- ///
- /// Only checks for presence of specified [key] regardless of the associated
- /// value.
- ///
- /// To test if this set contains an attribute with specific value consider
- /// using [containsSame].
- bool contains(NotusAttributeKey key) => _data.containsKey(key.key);
- /// Returns `true` if this set contains attribute with the same value as
- /// [attribute].
- bool containsSame(NotusAttribute attribute) {
- assert(attribute != null);
- return get<dynamic>(attribute) == attribute;
- }
- /// Returns value of specified attribute [key] in this set.
- T value<T>(NotusAttributeKey<T> key) => get(key).value;
- /// Returns [NotusAttribute] from this set by specified [key].
- NotusAttribute<T> get<T>(NotusAttributeKey<T> key) =>
- _data[key.key] as NotusAttribute<T>;
- /// Returns collection of all attribute keys in this set.
- Iterable<String> get keys => _data.keys;
- /// Returns collection of all attributes in this set.
- Iterable<NotusAttribute> get values => _data.values;
- /// Puts [attribute] into this attribute set and returns result as a new set.
- NotusStyle put(NotusAttribute attribute) {
- final result = new Map<String, NotusAttribute>.from(_data);
- result[attribute.key] = attribute;
- return new NotusStyle._(result);
- }
- /// Merges this attribute set with [attribute] and returns result as a new
- /// attribute set.
- ///
- /// Performs compaction if [attribute] is an "unset" value, e.g. removes
- /// corresponding attribute from this set completely.
- ///
- /// See also [put] method which does not perform compaction and allows
- /// constructing styles with "unset" values.
- NotusStyle merge(NotusAttribute attribute) {
- final merged = new Map<String, NotusAttribute>.from(_data);
- if (attribute.isUnset) {
- merged.remove(attribute.key);
- } else {
- merged[attribute.key] = attribute;
- }
- return new NotusStyle._(merged);
- }
- /// Merges all attributes from [other] into this style and returns result
- /// as a new instance of [NotusStyle].
- NotusStyle mergeAll(NotusStyle other) {
- var result = new NotusStyle._(_data);
- for (var value in other.values) {
- result = result.merge(value);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// Removes [attributes] from this style and returns new instance of
- /// [NotusStyle] containing result.
- NotusStyle removeAll(Iterable<NotusAttribute> attributes) {
- final merged = new Map<String, NotusAttribute>.from(_data);
- attributes.map((item) => item.key).forEach(merged.remove);
- return new NotusStyle._(merged);
- }
- /// Returns JSON-serializable representation of this style.
- Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _data.isEmpty
- ? null
- : _data.map<String, dynamic>((String _, NotusAttribute value) =>
- new MapEntry<String, dynamic>(value.key, value.value));
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- if (other is! NotusStyle) return false;
- NotusStyle typedOther = other;
- final eq = const MapEquality<String, NotusAttribute>();
- return eq.equals(_data, typedOther._data);
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- final hashes = _data.entries.map((entry) => hash2(entry.key, entry.value));
- return hashObjects(hashes);
- }
- @override
- String toString() => "{${_data.values.join(', ')}}";
- }
- /// Applies bold style to a text segment.
- class _BoldAttribute extends NotusAttribute<bool> {
- const _BoldAttribute() : super._('b', NotusAttributeScope.inline, true);
- }
- /// Applies italic style to a text segment.
- class _ItalicAttribute extends NotusAttribute<bool> {
- const _ItalicAttribute() : super._('i', NotusAttributeScope.inline, true);
- }
- /// Builder for link attribute values.
- ///
- /// There is no need to use this class directly, consider using
- /// [NotusAttribute.link] instead.
- class LinkAttributeBuilder extends NotusAttributeBuilder<String> {
- static const _kLink = 'a';
- const LinkAttributeBuilder._() : super._(_kLink, NotusAttributeScope.inline);
- /// Creates a link attribute with specified link [value].
- NotusAttribute<String> fromString(String value) =>
- new NotusAttribute<String>._(key, scope, value);
- }
- /// Builder for heading attribute styles.
- ///
- /// There is no need to use this class directly, consider using
- /// [NotusAttribute.heading] instead.
- class HeadingAttributeBuilder extends NotusAttributeBuilder<int> {
- static const _kHeading = 'heading';
- const HeadingAttributeBuilder._()
- : super._(_kHeading, NotusAttributeScope.line);
- /// Level 1 heading, equivalent of `H1` in HTML.
- NotusAttribute<int> get level1 => new NotusAttribute<int>._(key, scope, 1);
- /// Level 2 heading, equivalent of `H2` in HTML.
- NotusAttribute<int> get level2 => new NotusAttribute<int>._(key, scope, 2);
- /// Level 3 heading, equivalent of `H3` in HTML.
- NotusAttribute<int> get level3 => new NotusAttribute<int>._(key, scope, 3);
- }
- /// Builder for block attribute styles (number/bullet lists, code and quote).
- ///
- /// There is no need to use this class directly, consider using
- /// [NotusAttribute.block] instead.
- class BlockAttributeBuilder extends NotusAttributeBuilder<String> {
- static const _kBlock = 'block';
- const BlockAttributeBuilder._() : super._(_kBlock, NotusAttributeScope.line);
- /// Formats a block of lines as a bullet list.
- NotusAttribute<String> get bulletList =>
- new NotusAttribute<String>._(key, scope, 'ul');
- /// Formats a block of lines as a number list.
- NotusAttribute<String> get numberList =>
- new NotusAttribute<String>._(key, scope, 'ol');
- /// Formats a block of lines as a code snippet, using monospace font.
- NotusAttribute<String> get code =>
- new NotusAttribute<String>._(key, scope, 'code');
- /// Formats a block of lines as a quote.
- NotusAttribute<String> get quote =>
- new NotusAttribute<String>._(key, scope, 'quote');
- }
- class EmbedAttributeBuilder
- extends NotusAttributeBuilder<Map<String, dynamic>> {
- const EmbedAttributeBuilder._()
- : super._(EmbedAttribute._kEmbed, NotusAttributeScope.inline);
- NotusAttribute<Map<String, dynamic>> get horizontalRule =>
- EmbedAttribute.horizontalRule();
- NotusAttribute<Map<String, dynamic>> image(String source) =>
- EmbedAttribute.image(source);
- @override
- NotusAttribute<Map<String, dynamic>> get unset => EmbedAttribute._(null);
- NotusAttribute<Map<String, dynamic>> withValue(Map<String, dynamic> value) =>
- EmbedAttribute._(value);
- }
- /// Type of embedded content.
- enum EmbedType { horizontalRule, image }
- class EmbedAttribute extends NotusAttribute<Map<String, dynamic>> {
- static const _kValueEquality = const MapEquality<String, dynamic>();
- static const _kEmbed = 'embed';
- static const _kHorizontalRuleEmbed = 'hr';
- static const _kImageEmbed = 'image';
- EmbedAttribute._(Map<String, dynamic> value)
- : super._(_kEmbed, NotusAttributeScope.inline, value);
- EmbedAttribute.horizontalRule()
- : this._(<String, dynamic>{'type': _kHorizontalRuleEmbed});
- EmbedAttribute.image(String source)
- : this._(<String, dynamic>{'type': _kImageEmbed, 'source': source});
- /// Type of this embed.
- EmbedType get type {
- if (value['type'] == _kHorizontalRuleEmbed) return EmbedType.horizontalRule;
- if (value['type'] == _kImageEmbed) return EmbedType.image;
- assert(false, 'Unknown embed attribute value $value.');
- return null;
- }
- @override
- NotusAttribute<Map<String, dynamic>> get unset => new EmbedAttribute._(null);
- @override
- bool operator ==(other) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- if (other is! EmbedAttribute) return false;
- EmbedAttribute typedOther = other;
- return key == typedOther.key &&
- scope == typedOther.scope &&
- _kValueEquality.equals(value, typedOther.value);
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- final objects = [key, scope];
- if (value != null) {
- final valueHashes =
- value.entries.map((entry) => hash2(entry.key, entry.value));
- objects.addAll(valueHashes);
- } else {
- objects.add(value);
- }
- return hashObjects(objects);
- }
- }