Zefyr documents are based on Quill.js Delta format. Deltas are simple and expressive format of describing rich text data, and is also suitable for Operational transformations. The format is essentially JSON, and is human readable.
Official implementation of Delta format is written in JavaScript but it was ported to Dart and is available on Pub. Examples in this document use Dart syntax.
All Deltas consist of three operations: insert
, delete
and retain
. The
example below describes the string “Karl the Fog” where “Karl” is bolded
and “Fog” is italic:
var delta = new Delta();
..insert('Karl', {'bold': true})
..insert(' the ')
..insert('Fog', {'italic': true});
// Prints:
// [
// {"insert":"Karl","attributes":{"bold":true}},
// {"insert":" the "},
// {"insert":"Fog","attributes":{"italic":true}}
// ]
Above delta is usually also called “document delta” because it consists
of only insert
Below example describes a change where “Fog” gets also styled as bold:
var delta = new Delta();
delta..retain(9)..retain(3, {'bold': true});
// Prints:
// [{"retain":9},{"retain":3,"attributes":{"bold":true}}]
A simple way to visualize a change is as if it moves an imaginary cursor
and applies modifications on the way. So with the above example, the
first retain
operation moves the cursor forward 9 characters. Then,
second operation moves cursor additional 3 characters forward but also
applies bold style to each character it passes.
The Delta library provides a way of composing such changes into documents or transforming against each other. E.g.:
var doc = new Delta();
..insert('Karl', {'bold': true})
..insert(' the ')
..insert('Fog', {'italic': true});
var change = new Delta();
change..retain(9)..retain(3, {'bold': true});
var updatedDoc = doc.compose(change);
// Prints:
// [
// {"insert":"Karl","attributes":{"bold":true}},
// {"insert":" the "},
// {"insert":"Fog","attributes":{"italic":true,"bold":true}}
// ]
These are the basics of Deltas. Read official documentation for more details.
Zefyr documents are represented as a tree of nodes. There are 3 main types of nodes:
- a leaf node which represents a segment of styled text within
a document.Line
- represents an individual line of text within a document.
Line nodes are containers for leaf nodes.Block
- represents a group of adjacent lines which share the same
style. Examples of blocks include lists, quotes or code blocks.Given above description, here is ASCII-style visualization of a Zefyr document tree:
╠═ block
║ ╠═ line
║ ║ ╠═ text
║ ║ ╚═ text
║ ╚═ line
║ ╚═ text
╠═ line
║ ╚═ text
╚═ block
╚═ line
╠═ text
╚═ text
It is currently not allowed to nest blocks inside other blocks but this may change in the future. More node types are likely to be added as well. For example, another leaf node for embedded content, like images.
All manipulations of Zefyr documents are designed strictly to match semantics of underlying Delta format. As a result the model itself is fairly simple and predictable.
To learn more about consequences of this design read about attributes and heuristics.