--- title: DescriptionList cols: 1 order: 4 --- Groups display multiple read-only fields, which are common to informational displays on detail pages. ## API ### DescriptionList | Property | Description | Type | Default | |----------|------------------------------------------|-------------|---------| | layout | type of layout | Enum{'horizontal', 'vertical'} | 'horizontal' | | col | specify the maximum number of columns to display, the final columns number is determined by col setting combined with [Responsive Rules](/components/DescriptionList#Responsive-Rules) | number(0 < col <= 4) | 3 | | title | title | ReactNode | - | | gutter | specify the distance between two items, unit is `px` | number | 32 | | size | size of list | Enum{'large', 'small'} | - | #### Responsive Rules | Window Width | Columns Number | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------| | `≥768px` | `col` | | `≥576px` | `col < 2 ? col : 2` | | `<576px` | `1` | ### DescriptionList.Description | Property | Description | Type | Default | |----------|------------------------------------------|-------------|-------| | term | item title | ReactNode | - |