动态菜单和动态路由的 antd pro

title: Login cols: 1

order: 15

Support multiple common ways of login with built-in controls. You can choose your own combinations and use with your custom controls.



Property Description Type Default
defaultActiveKey default key to activate the tab panel String -
onTabChange callback on changing tabs (key) => void -
onSubmit callback on submit (err, values) => void -


Property Description Type Default
key key of the tab String -
tab displayed text of the tab ReactNode -


Property Description Type Default
name name of the control, also the key of the submitted data String -
rules validation rules, same with option.rules in Form getFieldDecorator(id, options) object[] -

Apart from the above properties, Login.Username also support all properties of antd.Input, together with the default values of basic settings, such as placeholder, size and prefix. All of these default values can be over-written.

Login.Password, Login.Mobile are the same as Login.UserName


Property Description Type Default
onGetCaptcha callback on getting a new Captcha () => void -

Apart from the above properties, Login.Captcha support the same properties with Login.UserName.


Support all properties of antd.Button.