import {DeviceEventEmitter, NativeEventEmitter, NativeModules, Platform} from "react-native"; const {RNAliyunOSS} = NativeModules; let subscription; //default configuration for OSS Client const conf = { maxRetryCount: 3, timeoutIntervalForRequest: 30, timeoutIntervalForResource: 24 * 60 * 60 }; const imageXOssProcess = { "x-oss-process":'' } let partSize = 128 * 1024 const mulitpartUploadConfig = { "partSize":partSize } //appendObject const appendOptions = { "appendPosition":0, "contentType":'', "contentMd5":'', "contentEncoding":'', "contentDisposition":'' } export default AliyunOSS = { //Enable dev mode enableDevMode() { RNAliyunOSS.enableDevMode(); }, /** * Initialize the OSS Client * Mode: PlainTextAKSK */ initWithPlainTextAccessKey(accessKey, secretKey, endPoint, configuration = conf) { RNAliyunOSS.initWithPlainTextAccessKey(accessKey, secretKey, endPoint, configuration); }, /** * Initialize the OSS Client * Mode: ImplementedSigner */ initWithImplementedSigner(signature, accessKey, endPoint, configuration = conf) { RNAliyunOSS.initWithImplementedSigner(signature, accessKey, endPoint, configuration); }, /** * Initialize the OSS Client * Mode: SecurityToken (STS) */ initWithSecurityToken(securityToken, accessKey, secretKey, endPoint, configuration = conf) { RNAliyunOSS.initWithSecurityToken(securityToken, accessKey, secretKey, endPoint, configuration); }, /** * Initialize the OSS Client * Server STS */ initWithServerSTS(server, endPoint, configuration = conf) { RNAliyunOSS.initWithServerSTS(server, endPoint, configuration); }, /** * Asynchronously uploading */ asyncUpload(bucketName, objectKey, filepath,options) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncUpload(bucketName, objectKey, filepath,options); }, /** * Asynchronously */ asyncResumableUpload(bucketName, objectKey, filepath='',options={}) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncResumableUpload(bucketName, objectKey, filepath,options); }, /** * Asynchronously asyncAppendObject */ asyncAppendObject(bucketName,objectKey,filepath,options = appendOptions) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncAppendObject(bucketName, objectKey, filepath,options); }, /** * Asynchronously */ initMultipartUpload(bucketName,objectKey) { return RNAliyunOSS.initMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectKey); }, /** * Asynchronously multipartUpload */ multipartUpload(bucketName,objectKey,uploadId,filepath ='',options = mulitpartUploadConfig) { return RNAliyunOSS.multipartUpload(bucketName, objectKey, uploadId,filepath, options); }, /** * Asynchronously listParts */ listParts (bucketName,objectKey,uploadId) { return RNAliyunOSS.listParts(bucketName, objectKey, uploadId) }, /** * Asynchronously abortMultipartUpload */ abortMultipartUpload(bucketName,objectKey,uploadId) { return RNAliyunOSS.abortMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectKey, uploadId); }, /** * Asynchronously downloading */ asyncDownload(bucketName, objectKey, filepath='',options = imageXOssProcess) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncDownload(bucketName, objectKey, filepath,options); }, /* asyncListBuckets */ asyncListBuckets () { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncListBuckets() }, /** * Asynchronously getHeadObject */ asyncHeadObject (bucketName, objectKey) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncHeadObject(bucketName,objectKey) }, /** * Asynchronously getAsyncObjects */ asyncListObjects (bucketName,prefix='') { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncListObjects(bucketName,prefix,) }, /** * Asynchronously asyncCopyObject */ asyncCopyObject (srcBucketName, srcObjectKey, desBucketName,destObjectKey, options) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncCopyObject (srcBucketName, srcObjectKey, desBucketName,destObjectKey, options) }, /** * Asynchronously doesObjectExist */ doesObjectExist (bucketName, objectKey) { return RNAliyunOSS.doesObjectExist(bucketName, objectKey) }, /** * Asynchronously asyncDeleteObject */ asyncDeleteObject (bucketName, objectKey) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncDeleteObject(bucketName, objectKey) }, /** * Asynchronously createBucket */ asyncCreateBucket (bucketName,acl="private",region) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncCreateBucket(bucketName,acl,region) }, /** * Asynchronously getBucketACL */ asyncGetBucketACL (bucketName) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncGetBucketACL(bucketName) }, /** * Asynchronously getBucketACL */ asyncGetBucketACL(bucketName) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncGetBucketACL(bucketName) }, /** * Asynchronously deleteBucket */ asyncDeleteBucket (bucketName) { return RNAliyunOSS.asyncDeleteBucket(bucketName) }, /** * event listener for native upload/download event * @param event one of 'uploadProgress' or 'downloadProgress' * @param callback a callback function accepts one params: event */ addEventListener(event, callback) { const RNAliyunEmitter = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? new NativeEventEmitter(RNAliyunOSS) : DeviceEventEmitter; switch (event) { case 'uploadProgress': subscription = RNAliyunEmitter.addListener( 'uploadProgress', e => callback(e) ); break; case 'downloadProgress': subscription = RNAliyunEmitter.addListener( 'downloadProgress', e => callback(e) ); break; default: break; } }, /** * remove event listener for native upload/download event * @param event one of 'uploadProgress' or 'downloadProgress' */ removeEventListener(event) { switch (event) { case 'uploadProgress': subscription.remove(); break; case 'downloadProgress': subscription.remove(); break; default: break; } } };