# Alibaba Cloud OSS SDK for React Native ## [README of Chinese](https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-react-native/blob/master/README-CN.md) ## Introduction This document mainly describes how to install and use the OSS React Native SDK. This document assumes that you have already activated the Alibaba Cloud OSS service and created an *AccessKeyID* and an *AccessKeySecret*. In the document, *ID* refers to the *AccessKeyID* and *KEY* indicates the *AccessKeySecret*. If you have not yet activated or do not know about the OSS service, log on to the [OSS Product Homepage](http://www.aliyun.com/product/oss) for more help. ## Lanaguage * JavaScript、JAVA、Objective-C ## Environment requirements - Android ***2.3*** or above - IOS ***8.0*** or above - You must have registered an Alibaba Cloud account with the OSS activated. - Node ***8.0*** or above - React Native ***0.44.0*** or above ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [API](#api) - [DEMO](#DEMO) - [FAQ](#FAQ) - [JOIN](#join) - [License](#license) - [CONTACT](#contact) - [Future](#Future) - [Documentation](#Documentaion) ## Installation NOTE: THIS PACKAGE IS NOW BUILT FOR REACT NATIVE 0.40 OR GREATER * npm ``` npm install aliyun-oss-react-native --save ``` * yarn ``` yarn install aliyun-oss-react-native --save ``` ### Automatic Installation run `react-native link` in the react native project ``` react-native link ``` ### Manual Installation #### iOS - **CocoaPods** ``` pod 'aliyun-oss-react-native', :path => '../node_modules/aliyun-oss-react-native' ```` - **no CocoaPods** 1. In the XCode's "Project navigator", right click on your project's Libraries folder ➜ `Add Files to <...>` Go to `node_modules` ➜ `aliyun-oss-react-native` ➜ `ios` ➜ select `RNAliyunOSS.xcodeproj` 2. Add `RNAliyun.a` to `Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries` 3. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click `Frameworks` ➜ `Add Files to [your project's name]`. Go to `node_modules` ➜ `aliyun-oss-react-native` ➜ `AliyunSDK`. Add `AliyunOSSiOS.framework`, and select *Copy items if needed* in the pop-up box. #### Android 1. Add the following lines to `android/settings.gradle`: ```gradle include ':react-native-rn-sdk' project(':react-native-rn-sdk').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/aliyun-oss-rn-sdk/android') ``` 2. Add the compile line to the dependencies in `android/app/build.gradle`: ```gradle dependencies { compile project(':aliyun-oss-react-native') } ``` 3. Add the required permissions in `AndroidManifest.xml`: ```xml ``` 4. Add the import and link the package in `MainApplication.java`: ```java import com.reactlibrary.RNAliyunOssPackage; public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication { @Override protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), new RNAliyunOssPackage() ); } } ``` ## Usage Now ,all the API returns Promise Object exception init OSS Client API and enableDevMode API,so you can use ES6 `async await ` or `promise().then(/**/).catch(/**/)`,we take asyncUpload interface as an example. * step-1:import AliyunOSS ``` import AliyunOSS from 'aliyun-oss-react-native' ``` * step-2:open debug mode (optional) ``` AliyunOSS.enableDevMode(); ``` * step-3:init configuration(optional) ```javascript const configuration = { maxRetryCount: 3, timeoutIntervalForRequest: 30, timeoutIntervalForResource: 24 * 60 * 60 }; ``` * step-4:init OSS Client,we provide 4 ways to init OSS Client. here we recommend initWithServerSTS ```javascript const endpoint = "xxxx.aliyuncs.com" AliyunOSS.initWithServerSTS("/***http://ip:port/****/",endPoint, configuration) ``` Note:We provide auth server with node shell in Script folder,you can run command link this. 1. `npm istall` 2. modify accessKeyId and accessKeySecret in the config.js 3. node index.js,port is defalut 9000,The auth server is like (http|https)://ip.com:9000/ * step-5: ```javascript AliyunOSS.asyncUpload(bucketname, objectkey, filePath).then( (res) => { console.log(res) }).catch((error)=>{ console.log(error) }) const downloadProgress = p => console.log(p.currentSize / p.totalSize); AliyuOSS.addEventListener('uploadProgress', downloadProgress); ``` ## api This section describes the APIs that are currently implemented and partially supported by the React Native SDK. These APIs mainly cover log management, bucket management, object management, authorization, file upload, and download. Follow-up to improve the relevant API and BUG repair. API list is as follows API | Android | iOS ----| ---- | ---- | enableDevMode|Y|Y| initWithPlainTextAccessKey |Y|Y initWithSigner |Y|Y initWithSecurityToken |Y|Y initWithServerSTS |Y|Y asyncUpload |Y| Y initMultipartUpload |Y|Y multipartUpload | Y | Y listParts |Y|Y abortMultipartUpload |Y|Y asyncDownload |Y|Y asyncCreateBucket |Y|Y asyncGetBucketACL |Y|Y asyncListBuckets |Y|Y asyncDeleteBucket |Y|Y asyncHeadObject |Y|Y asyncListObjects |Y|Y doesObjectExist |Y|Y doesObjectExist |Y|Y asyncDeleteObject |Y|Y ### enableDevMode open dev log,please refer to the code ``` AliyunOSS.enableDevMode() ``` ### initWithPlainTextAccessKey init auth client with accessKeyId and accessKeySecret,please refer to the code.you can use ,but we do not suggest use it。 ```javascript const endPoint = "XXX" const configuration = { maxRetryCount: 3, timeoutIntervalForRequest: 30, timeoutIntervalForResource: 24 * 60 * 60 }; AliyunOSS.initWithPlainTextAccessKey(accessKey, secretKey, endPoint, configuration); ``` ### initWithSigner init auth client the sign ```javascript AliyunOSS.initWithSigner(signature, accessKey, endPoint, configuration); ``` ### initWithSecurityToken init client with SecurityToken ``` AliyunOSS.initWithSecurityToken(signature, accessKey, endPoint, configuration); ``` ### initWithServerSTS init auth client with loacl auth server ```javascript AliyunOSS.initWithSecurityToken(signature, accessKey, endPoint, configuration); ``` ### asyncUpload ``` AliyunOSS.asyncUpload(bucketname, objectKye, filepath).then().catch() ``` ### asyncAppendObject ### asyncResumableUpload ### initMultipartUpload ```javascript AliyunOSS.initMultipartUpload(bucketname,objectkey).then((e)=>{ console.log(e) //e is uploadId }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }) ``` ### multipartUpload ``` //uploadId is the value When call initMultipartUpload ,success callback return AliyunOSS.multipartUpload(multipartBucket,mulitipartObjectKey,uploadId,filepath).then((res)=>{ Alert.alert("success"); }).catch((e) => { Alert.alert("fail"); }) ``` ### listParts ``` AliyunOSS.listParts(multipartBucket,multipartObjectKey,upoadId).then((e)=>{ Alert.alert("onListParts"+e) }).catch((e)=>{ Alert.alert("onListPartsError") }) ``` ### abortMultipartUpload ``` AliyunOSS.abortMultipartUpload(multipartBucket,multipartBucket,uploadId).then((e)=>{ Alert.alert("abort success"); }).catch((e)=>{ Alert.alert("abort fali"); }) ``` ### asyncDownload ``` // xxx is the image process option AliyunOSS.asyncDownload(bucketname,objectkey,{"x-oss-process":'xxxx'}).then((e) => { console.log(e) }).catch((e)=>{ console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncCreateBucket ``` AliyunOSS.asyncCreateBucket('tyluoluo','private','oss-cn-zhangjiakou').then((e) => { console.log(e) }).catch((e)=>{ console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncGetBucketACL ```javascript AliyunOSS.asyncGetBucketACL('luozhang002').then((e) => { console.log(e) }).catch((e)=>{ console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncListBuckets ``` AliyunOSS.asyncListBuckets().then((e) => { console.log(e) }).catch((e) => { console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncDeleteBucket ``` AliyunOSS.asyncDeleteBucket("tyluoluo").then((e) => { console.log(e) }).catch((e) => { console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncHeadObject ``` AliyunOSS.asyncHeadObject('luozhang002','yanxing').then((e)=>{ console.log(e) }).catch((e)=> { console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncListObjects ``` AliyunOSS.asyncListObjects('luozhang002').then((e)=>{ console.log(e) }).catch((e)=>{ console.log(e) }) ``` ### doesObjectExist ```javascript AliyunOSS.doesObjectExist('luozhang001','xx.png').then( (e) => { console.log(e) }).catch((e) => { console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncCopyObject ```javascript AliyunOSS.asyncCopyObject('luozhang001',"2.png","luozhang002","sbsbsb").then( (e) => { console.log(e) }).catch((e)=>{ console.log("xxxx") console.log(e) }) ``` ### asyncDeleteObject ```javascript AliyunOSS.asyncDeleteObject('luozhang001','2.png').then((e)=>{ Alert.alert(e) }).catch((e)=>{ console.log(e) }) ``` ## DEMO In the repository, we prodive RN SDK DEMO in the Example folder including andriod and ios,`Example/android` provide the android demo;`Example/iOS` provide the ios demo.Welcome to join us, how to run the Example ? * step-1:clone the project and install some dependencies ``` 1. git clone https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-react-native.git 2. cd Example 3. npm install ``` * step-2:start local auth server and modify the URL in initWithServerSTS function of Example/App.js,Server address must begin with ip,of cource you can refer to the scrpts folder we provied.defalut port is 9000 ``` 1. cd script/sts-app-server-node 2. node index.js ``` * step-3:run the project 1. npm run start 2. open Example/android ,compile and run with Android Studio.The effect is as follows 3. open Example/NativeAddRN ,compile and run with XCode,The effect is as follows ## F&Q * Due to the complexity of React Native's own environment on the iOS side,it ofen occur differrent errors, please go to [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/react-native) * close proxy * Sometimes,you can not see the ui in the debugging mode of the Android Studio Envrionment, please delete the Build folder under the project file and then recompile ## Join Now, React Native SDK is in the initial stage. When the developers use React Native API, any problem can be raised to the official warehouse for issue or PR. We will deal with it in time. Wecome much more developers to join us to serve customers and developers that who use aliyun storage services To better serve customers and developers who use aliyun storage services.You can refer to the following documentation. * React Native Android Native Modules:http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/native-modules-android.html * React Native IOS Native Modules:http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/native-modules-ios.html * React Native Debugging: http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/debugging.html * Aliyun OSS Android SDK: https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-android-sdk * Aliyun OSS iOS SDK: https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-ios-sdk ## License * MIT ## Contact us * [Alibaba Cloud OSS official website](http://oss.aliyun.com). * [Alibaba Cloud OSS official forum](http://bbs.aliyun.com). * [Alibaba Cloud OSS official documentation center](http://www.aliyun.com/product/oss#Docs). * Alibaba Cloud official technical support: [Submit a ticket](https://workorder.console.aliyun.com/#/ticket/createIndex). ## Future in the future, Continuously optimizing code documentation、add interfaces 、fix bugs, etc. ## Documentation enhancement