# iOS Installation # Prerequisites * You should installed and linked `react-native-agora` * Xcode 10.0+ # Step 1. Open Project in Xcode Open `ios/projectName.xcodeproj` with XCode ![Step 1](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.1_Open_iOS_ProjectFile.png) # Step 2. Add Link Binary With Libraries Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries -> + ![Step 2](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.2_LinkBinaryWithLibraries.png) libresolv.tbd libc++.tbd AVFoundation.framework AudioToolbox.framework VideoToolbox.framework CoreMotion.framework CoreMedia.framework CoreTelephony.framework # Step 3. Add Other Link Binary With Libraries From `node_modules` Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries -> + -> Add Other ![Step 3](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.3_Add_Other_Libraries.png) node_modules/react-native-agora/ios/RCTAgora/libs/libcrypto.a node_modules/react-native-agora/ios/RCTAgora/libs/AgoraRtcCryptoLoader.framework node_modules/react-native-agora/ios/RCTAgora/libs/AgoraRtcEngineKit.framework # Step 4. Add Framework Search Paths Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths -> + ![Step 4](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.4_Add_Framework_Search_Paths.png) "$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-agora/ios/RCTAgora/libs" # Step 5. Add Library Search Paths Build Settings -> Library Search Paths -> + ![Step 5](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.5_Add_Library_Search_Paths.png) "$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-agora/ios/RCTAgora/libs" # Step 6. Set Build Settings Enable Bitcode No Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode -> ... ![Step 6](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.6_Set_Build_Settings_Enable_Bitcode_No.png) # Step 7. Set Capabilities Background Modes Capabilities -> Background Modes -> Audio, Airplay, and Picture in Picture ![Step 7](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.7_Set_Capabilities_Background_Modes.png) # Step 8.1 Set info.plist Change info.plist "Privacy - Camera Usage Description":"use camera to start video call" "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description":"use microphone to start video call" ![Step 8.1](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.8.1_Set_info_plist.png) ![Step 8.2](./IOS_INSTALLATION/1.8.2_Set_camera_and_microphone.png) # Step 9 build `react-native run-ios`