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RtcEngine.leaveChannel(); } }) } componentWillUnmount() { RtcEngine.removeEmitter() } handlerCancel = () => { RtcEngine.leaveChannel(); const {navigator} = this.props; navigator.pop() }; handlerSwitchCamera = () => { RtcEngine.switchCamera(); }; handlerMuteAllRemoteAudioStreams = () => { this.setState({ isMute: !this.state.isMute }, () => { RtcEngine.muteAllRemoteAudioStreams(this.state.isMute) }) }; handlerSetEnableSpeakerphone = () => { this.setState({ isSpeaker: !this.state.isSpeaker }, () => { RtcEngine.setEnableSpeakerphone(this.state.isSpeaker) }); }; render() { const {isMute, isSpeaker, remotes, isJoinSuccess} = this.state; if (!isJoinSuccess) { return( 正在创建视频会议... ) } return ( {remotes.map((v, k) => { return ( ) })} ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4' }, absView: { position: 'absolute', top: 20, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, justifyContent: 'space-between' }, videoView: { padding: 5, flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row', zIndex: 100 }, localView: { flex: 1 }, remoteView: { width: (width - 40) / 3, height: (width - 40) / 3, margin: 5 }, bottomView: { padding: 20, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-around' } }); ```