1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162 |
- # OSX
- #
- .DS_Store
- # Xcode
- #
- build/
- *.pbxuser
- !default.pbxuser
- *.mode1v3
- !default.mode1v3
- *.mode2v3
- !default.mode2v3
- *.perspectivev3
- !default.perspectivev3
- #xcuserdata
- *.xccheckout
- *.moved-aside
- DerivedData
- *.hmap
- *.ipa
- #*.xcuserstate
- #project.xcworkspace
- # Android/IntelliJ
- #
- build/
- .idea
- .gradle
- local.properties
- *.iml
- # node.js
- #
- node_modules/
- npm-debug.log
- yarn-error.log
- # BUCK
- buck-out/
- \.buckd/
- *.keystore
- # fastlane
- #
- # It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the
- # screenshots whenever they are needed.
- # For more information about the recommended setup visit:
- # https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/blob/master/fastlane/docs/Gitignore.md
- fastlane/report.xml
- fastlane/Preview.html
- fastlane/screenshots
- android/src/main/res/drawable/
- **/*.*~
- **/*.swp
- **/*.~
- .project
- .settings
- .classpath
- .jest/