Geen omschrijving


  2. #### 2.9.0-alpha.1
  3. - fix typo: rename `methodisSpeakerphoneEnabled` to `isSpeakerphoneEnabled`
  4. #### 2.8.0-alpha.1
  5. - add `string uid` api support
  6. - android: deprecate `lowLatency` member of LiveTranscoding
  7. - add methods `getUserInfoByUserAccount`, `getUserInfoByUid`, `joinChannelWithUserAccount`, `registerLocalUserAccount`
  8. - add events `localUserRegistered`, `userInfoUpdated`
  9. - add `totalFrozenTime`, `frozenRate` to events `remoteVideoStats` & `remoteAudioStats`.
  10. - add `numChannels` & `receivedSampleRate` & `receivedBitrate` to `remoteAudioStats`
  11. - android: upgrade native sdk to 2.8.2
  12. - ios: upgrade native sdk to 2.8.0
  13. #### 2.4.1-alpha.3
  14. - refactor setLiveTranscoding: rename ios & android native parameters. export enum for javascript/typescript api.
  15. - fix negative number case in android platform.
  16. - improve api doc.
  17. #### 2.4.1-alpha.2
  18. - deprecated `sendMessage` & `createDataStream` & `removeAllListeners` & `off`
  19. - refactor event system
  20. - fix `android` enum convert failed.
  21. #### 2.4.1-alpha
  22. - support 2.4.1-alpha.1 agora video sdk android-2.4.1 / iOS-2.4.1
  23. 1. Deprecate iOS manual link operator, instead using cocoapods resolve compile dependencies.
  24. 2. Add methods getAudioMixingPlayoutVolume, getAudioMixingPublishVolume for audio mixing troubleshooting.
  25. 3. Add `txPacketLossRate`, `rxPacketLossRate` on `rtcStats` interface. usage: `RtcEngine.on('rtcStats', (data) => console.log(data))`.
  26. 4. Rename `receivedFrameRate` to `rendererOutputFrameRate` this property related on `localVideoStats` and `remoteVideoStats`.
  27. 5. Add event 'localVideoChanged' and Deprecate events `cameraReady` and `videoStopped`. You can listen `localVideoChanged` event instead `cameraReady` & `videoStopped`.
  28. 6. Add event `rtmpStreamingStateChanged` for rtmp streaming troubleshooting
  29. 7. Add event `audioCodecProfile` on `liveTranscoding` interface.
  30. 8. Add event `networkTypeChanged` for network troubleshooting.
  31. 9. Add method `registerMediaMetadataObserver` method, this method enables you to add synchronized metadata in the video stream for more diversified live broadcast interactions, such as sending shopping links, digital coupons, and online quizzes. note: Call this method before the joinChannel method. and applies to `channelProfile` with 1.
  32. 10. Add method `sendMediaData`, this method enables you send media data under the live broadcast mode (`channelProfile` = 1) note: call this method after the `registerMediaMetadataObserver` method.
  33. 11. Add event `audioMixingStateChanged` and Deprecate event 'localAudioMixingFinish`.
  34. 11. Add `firstRemoteAudioDecoded` event you can get more detail [here](
  35. #### 2.4.0-alpha
  36. - support 2.4.0-alpha.1 agora video sdk android-2.4.0 / iOS- and add sendMessage support in the same channel. Deprecate: startEchoTest and setVideoQualityParameters
  37. - support 2.4.0-alpha.2 using 0.55.1 as peerDependency and support typescript
  38. - support 2.4.0-alpha.3 bugfix iOS receiveStreamMessage data is null
  39. - support 2.4.0-alpha.4 bugfix iOS videoSizeChanged field rotation typo
  40. - support 2.4.0-alpha.5 bugfix Android & iOS side not support fit mode and hidden mode.
  41. 1. Deprecate & Remove: setupLocalVideo & setupRemoteVideo
  42. 2. rename iOS side constants
  43. ```javascript
  44. "AgoraVideoMirrorModeAuto" to "VideoMirrorModeAuto"
  45. "AgoraVideoMirrorModeEnabled" to "VideoMirrorModeEnabled"
  46. "AgoraVideoMirrorModeDisabled" to "VideoMirrorModeDisabled"
  47. "AgoraChannelProfileCommunication" to "ChannelProfileCommunication"
  48. "AgoraChannelProfileLiveBroadcasting" to "ChannelProfileLiveBroadcasting"
  49. "AgoraChannelProfileGame" to "ChannelProfileGame"
  50. "AgoraVideoMode" to "VideoMode"
  51. "AgoraAudioMode" to "AudioMode"
  52. ```
  53. #### 2.3.3-alpha
  54. - support agora video sdk 2.3.3
  55. - release 2.3.3-alpha.3
  56. - release 2.3.3-alpha.4 (remove deprecated native api)
  57. - release 2.3.3-alpha.5 (refactor event react api & refactor native wrapper)
  58. - release 2.3.3-alpha.6 (refactor with typescript & fix. iOS platform binding bug)
  59. - release 2.3.3-alpha.7 (refactor RtcEngine#init method support audio / video mode and switch dualStream)
  60. #### 1.1.2
  61. - add onVideoMute
  62. - add onAudioMute
  63. #### 1.1.1
  64. - add createDataStream
  65. - add sendStreamMessage
  66. - add onStreamMessage
  67. #### 1.0.9
  68. - update to agora sdk version 2.0.2
  69. - add setCameraAutoFocusFaceModeEnabled
  70. - add setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone
  71. - add setCameraTorchOn
  72. - fix bug: Android speaker's volume indication
  73. #### 1.0.8
  74. - update to agora sdk version 1.12
  75. - init wouldn't start video preview. Should manually use startPreview.
  76. - init options add new boolean parameter `swapWidthAndHeight` to support swap width and height.
  77. - add configPublisher
  78. - add setLocalRenderMode
  79. - add setRemoteRenderMode
  80. - add enableAudioVolumeIndication
  81. - add onAudioVolumeIndication
  82. - add zOrderMediaOverlay for android platform, support media overlay