import React, {useState} from 'react'; import { ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, Platform, Linking, Dimensions, View, } from 'react-native'; import AutoHeightWebView from 'react-native-autoheight-webview'; import { autoHeightHtml0, autoHeightHtml1, autoHeightScript, autoWidthHtml0, autoWidthHtml1, autoWidthScript, autoDetectLinkScript, style0, inlineBodyStyle, } from './config'; const onShouldStartLoadWithRequest = result => { console.log(result); return true; }; const onError = ({nativeEvent}) => console.error('WebView error: ', nativeEvent); const onMessage = event => { const {data} = event.nativeEvent; let messageData; // maybe parse stringified JSON try { messageData = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message); } if (typeof messageData === 'object') { const {url} = messageData; // check if this message concerns us if (url && url.startsWith('http')) { Linking.openURL(url).catch(error => console.error('An error occurred', error), ); } } }; const onHeightLoadStart = () => console.log('height on load start'); const onHeightLoad = () => console.log('height on load'); const onHeightLoadEnd = () => console.log('height on load end'); const onWidthLoadStart = () => console.log('width on load start'); const onWidthLoad = () => console.log('width on load'); const onWidthLoadEnd = () => console.log('width on load end'); const Explorer = () => { const [{widthHtml, heightHtml}, setHtml] = useState({ widthHtml: autoWidthHtml0, heightHtml: autoHeightHtml0, }); const changeSource = () => setHtml({ widthHtml: widthHtml === autoWidthHtml0 ? autoWidthHtml1 : autoWidthHtml0, heightHtml: heightHtml === autoHeightHtml0 ? autoHeightHtml1 : autoHeightHtml0, }); const [{widthStyle, heightStyle}, setStyle] = useState({ heightStyle: null, widthStyle: inlineBodyStyle, }); const changeStyle = () => setStyle({ widthStyle: widthStyle === inlineBodyStyle ? style0 + inlineBodyStyle : inlineBodyStyle, heightStyle: heightStyle === null ? style0 : null, }); const [{widthScript, heightScript}, setScript] = useState({ heightScript: autoDetectLinkScript, widthScript: null, }); const changeScript = () => setScript({ widthScript: widthScript == autoWidthScript ? autoWidthScript : null, heightScript: heightScript !== autoDetectLinkScript ? autoDetectLinkScript : autoHeightScript + autoDetectLinkScript, }); const [heightSize, setHeightSize] = useState({height: 0, width: 0}); const [widthSize, setWidthSize] = useState({height: 0, width: 0}); // set spacing on left/right const spacing = 30; // calculate new width of *real* content const screenWidth = Math.round(Dimensions.get('window').width) - 2 * spacing; // For example on iPhone 8, screenWidth will be 315 // I temporarily hard-coded the width into the newsletter.js its viewport tag return ( height: {heightSize.height}, width: {heightSize.width} height: {widthSize.height}, width: {widthSize.width} change source change style change script ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ button: { marginTop: 15, backgroundColor: 'aliceblue', borderRadius: 5, padding: 5, }, }); export default Explorer;