'use strict'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { findNodeHandle, requireNativeComponent, Animated, DeviceEventEmitter, Dimensions, StyleSheet, Platform, UIManager, View, ViewPropTypes, WebView } from 'react-native'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Immutable from 'immutable'; const RCTAutoHeightWebView = requireNativeComponent('RCTAutoHeightWebView', AutoHeightWebView, { nativeOnly: { nativeOnly: { onLoadingStart: true, onLoadingError: true, onLoadingFinish: true, messagingEnabled: PropTypes.bool } } }); export default class AutoHeightWebView extends PureComponent { static propTypes = { source: WebView.propTypes.source, onHeightUpdated: PropTypes.func, customScript: PropTypes.string, customStyle: PropTypes.string, enableAnimation: PropTypes.bool, // if set to false may cause some layout issues (width of container will be than width of screen) scalesPageToFit: PropTypes.bool, // only works on enable animation animationDuration: PropTypes.number, // offset of rn webView margin heightOffset: PropTypes.number, // baseUrl not work in android 4.3 or below version enableBaseUrl: PropTypes.bool, style: ViewPropTypes.style, // rn WebView callback onError: PropTypes.func, onLoad: PropTypes.func, onLoadStart: PropTypes.func, onLoadEnd: PropTypes.func, // works if set enableBaseUrl to true; add web/files... to android/app/src/assets/ files: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ href: PropTypes.string, type: PropTypes.string, rel: PropTypes.string }) ) }; static defaultProps = { scalesPageToFit: true, enableBaseUrl: false, enableAnimation: true, animationDuration: 555, heightOffset: 20 }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.onMessage = this.onMessage.bind(this); if (this.props.enableAnimation) { this.opacityAnimatedValue = new Animated.Value(0); } if (IsBelowKitKat) { this.listenWebViewBridgeMessage = this.listenWebViewBridgeMessage.bind(this); } let initialScript = props.files ? this.appendFilesToHead(props.files, BaseScript) : BaseScript; initialScript = props.customStyle ? this.appendStylesToHead(props.customStyle, initialScript) : initialScript; this.state = { isChangingSource: false, height: 0, heightOffset: 0, script: initialScript }; } componentWillMount() { if (IsBelowKitKat) { DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('webViewBridgeMessage', this.listenWebViewBridgeMessage); } } componentDidMount() { this.startInterval(); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // injectedJavaScript only works when webView reload (source changed) if (Immutable.is(Immutable.fromJS(this.props.source), Immutable.fromJS(nextProps.source))) { return; } else { this.setState( { isChangingSource: true, height: 0, heightOffset: 0 }, () => { this.startInterval(); this.setState({ isChangingSource: false }); } ); } let currentScript = BaseScript; if (nextProps.files) { currentScript = this.appendFilesToHead(nextProps.files, BaseScript); } currentScript = nextProps.customStyle ? this.appendStylesToHead(nextProps.customStyle, currentScript) : currentScript; this.setState({ script: currentScript }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.stopInterval(); if (IsBelowKitKat) { DeviceEventEmitter.removeListener('webViewBridgeMessage', this.listenWebViewBridgeMessage); } } // below kitkat listenWebViewBridgeMessage(body) { this.onMessage(body.message); } // below kitkat sendToWebView(message) { UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand( findNodeHandle(this.webView), UIManager.RCTAutoHeightWebView.Commands.sendToWebView, [String(message)] ); } postMessage(data) { UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand( findNodeHandle(this.webView), UIManager.RCTAutoHeightWebView.Commands.postMessage, [String(data)] ); } startInterval() { this.finishInterval = false; this.interval = setInterval(() => { if (!this.finishInterval) { IsBelowKitKat ? this.sendToWebView('getBodyHeight') : this.postMessage('getBodyHeight'); } }, 205); } stopInterval() { this.finishInterval = true; clearInterval(this.interval); } onHeightUpdated(height) { if (this.props.onHeightUpdated) { this.props.onHeightUpdated(height); } } onMessage(e) { const height = parseInt(IsBelowKitKat ? e.nativeEvent.message : e.nativeEvent.data); if (height) { if (this.props.enableAnimation) { this.opacityAnimatedValue.setValue(0); } this.stopInterval(); this.setState( { heightOffset: this.props.heightOffset, height }, () => { if (this.props.enableAnimation) { Animated.timing(this.opacityAnimatedValue, { toValue: 1, duration: this.props.animationDuration }).start(() => this.onHeightUpdated(height)); } else { this.onHeightUpdated(height); } } ); } } appendFilesToHead(files, script) { if (!files) { return script; } return files.reduceRight( (file, combinedScript) => ` var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = '${file.rel}'; link.type = '${file.type}'; link.href = '${file.href}'; document.head.appendChild(link); ${combinedScript} `, script ); } appendStylesToHead(styles, script) { if (!styles) { return script; } // Escape any single quotes or newlines in the CSS with .replace() const escaped = styles.replace(/\'/g, "\\'").replace(/\n/g, '\\n'); return ` var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); var styleText = document.createTextNode('${escaped}'); styleElement.appendChild(styleText); document.head.appendChild(styleElement); ${script} `; } onLoadingStart = event => { var onLoadStart = this.props.onLoadStart; onLoadStart && onLoadStart(event); }; onLoadingError = event => { var { onError, onLoadEnd } = this.props; onError && onError(event); onLoadEnd && onLoadEnd(event); console.warn('Encountered an error loading page', event.nativeEvent); }; onLoadingFinish = event => { var { onLoad, onLoadEnd } = this.props; onLoad && onLoad(event); onLoadEnd && onLoadEnd(event); }; getWebView = webView => (this.webView = webView); stopLoading() { UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand( findNodeHandle(this.webView), UIManager.RCTAutoHeightWebView.Commands.stopLoading, null ); } render() { const { height, script, isChangingSource, heightOffset } = this.state; const { scalesPageToFit, enableAnimation, source, customScript, style, enableBaseUrl } = this.props; let webViewSource = source; if (enableBaseUrl) { webViewSource = Object.assign({}, source, { baseUrl: 'file:///android_asset/web/' }); } return ( {isChangingSource ? null : ( )} ); } } const ScreenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; const IsBelowKitKat = Platform.Version < 19; const Styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { width: ScreenWidth, backgroundColor: 'transparent' }, webView: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'transparent' } }); const BaseScript = IsBelowKitKat ? ` ; (function () { AutoHeightWebView.onMessage = function (message) { AutoHeightWebView.send(String(document.body.offsetHeight)); }; MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; var observer = new MutationObserver(function() { AutoHeightWebView.send(String(document.body.offsetHeight)); }); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, attributes: true }); } ()); ` : ` ; (function () { document.addEventListener('message', function (e) { window.postMessage(String(document.body.offsetHeight)); }); MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; var observer = new MutationObserver(function() { window.postMessage(String(document.body.offsetHeight)); }); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, attributes: true }); } ()); `;