export default ` Node.js 8 – End-Of-Life

Hey there,

I am writing to give notice that Node.js 8 will reach its End-Of-Life on December 31, 2019, and will no longer be supported by ZEIT Now starting January 6, 2020 (enforced by our upstream provider AWS Lambda).

You can find more details about the Node.js End-Of-Life Schedule here.


What Does This Mean?

Starting on January 6, 2020, new deployments without engines defined in package.json will use the most recent (LTS) version of Node.js: 12.

If your package.json file contains  "engines": { "node": "8.10.x" }, it will fail to build and print an error message explaining you must use 12.x instead.


What Should You Do?

To avoid your project from ceasing to work, we recommend configuring the most recent Node.js version (12) in your package.json file.

To do so, you only need add the "engines": { "node": "12.x" } property and create a new Production Deployment.

Learn more about how to set a custom Node.js version in our documentation.

Leo Lamprecht
Head of Product
ZEIT, Inc.

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