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Modify functional components event listener example (#6256)

Using Navigation.events().bindComponent() to register event listeners in functional components leads to typing errors when using Typescript, as bindComponent method requires a React.Component<any> as first argument.

With registerComponentListener we achieve the exact same effect, but providing more appropiate typings for for its parameters, using NavigationComponentListener for the listener, and making componentId required.
Elizabeth Martín Campos 4 gadus atpakaļ
No account linked to committer's email address
1 mainītis faili ar 3 papildinājumiem un 3 dzēšanām
  1. 3

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website/docs/docs-functional-components.mdx Parādīt failu

@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function MyScreen(props) {
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     // Register the listener to all events related to our component
-    const unsubscribe = Navigation.events().bindComponent(listener, props.componentId);
+    const unsubscribe = Navigation.events().registerComponentListener(listener, props.componentId);
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     return () => {
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       // Make sure to unregister the listener during cleanup
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@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function MyScreen(props) {
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-Notice that in the example above, we call `Navigation.events().bindComponent()` to register our listener even though we're not binding any component. That's because our listener is registered with the `componentId` passed in the second argument.
+In the example above, our listener is registered with the `componentId` passed in the second argument, and will receive only its related events.
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 [underscopeio/react-native-navigation-hooks](https://github.com/underscopeio/react-native-navigation-hooks) is a wonderful library which greatly simplifies usage with hooks by introducing dedicated hooks for each event. The following example, which is taken from their docs, shows how to listen to all appear events and a particular screen's appear events:
@@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ const ScreenComponent = ({ componentId }) => {
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