* Don’t create SideMenu button automatically on Android
* Remove left button and add it dynamically
* Fix resetTo animation on Android
Up until now resetTo would destroy the current stack and create a new
one. This was an easy implementation but resulted in jurky
(none existent) animations.
This commit changes resetTo behavior. Instead of recreating the stack,
the we reset to is pushed to the stack, and the other elements are
removed when show animation ends.
Sends a nav event whenever the sideMenu button is clicked. (Android) (#617)
* Dispatch a navigation event whenever the side menu button is clicked (BottomTabsLayout)
* Dispatch a navigation event whenever the side menu button is clicked (SingleScreenLayout)
* Changed the way the navigatorEventId is retrieved in SingleScreenLayout.
Set BottomTabs background color only if it is defined
This change means that in a tab based app, when pushing a screen
which did not declare `tabBarBackgroundColor` - the BottomTabs color
will persist from the previous screen and not be set to the default
color which is white. This eliminates the unwanted BottomTabs
background color change in this specific use case.
closes #409
When ivoking navigation actions such as push, pop etc, instead of
checking modal visibility, check if modal actually contains the given
navigator. This fix alows to change navigation state in screens while
modal is displayed.
* Don't show fab of a screen that's pushed to a none active tab
* Change fab when navigating back in the stack with back button
* Add screens before SnackbarAndFabContainer