* Preview API
* Added preview actions and fail-guard wrappers
* Remove old setters
* Moved from passProps to actionParams
* Move findNodeHandle to internal method
* Removing findNodeHandle
* Added height and option to dont 'pop' the view controller
* Documentation update for peek and pop
* Document how to access button press events
* Commit by default in example. Because it's cool
* Docs and if elses ifs then
* Unregister previous ViewController on attempt to preview.
* Merge conflict fail
* Auto generate docs
Docs can be generatred by running yarn run gen-doc
Add jsdoc and jsdoc2md dev dependencies
* Add tests to NavigationOption params
* fix tests
* Fix e2e and implement missing classes after rebase
* f
[Experimental] Custom transition animation for ios (#1955)
* screen Background Color iOS
* ios v2 topBarTextFontFamily
* added topBarHidden to iOS
* minor fix and topBarHideOnScroll
* minor fix
* topBarButtonColor iOS
* topBarTranslucent iOS
* topBarTranslucent IOS minor fixes
* eslint fixes
* minor fixes
* changed setTabBadge to tabBadge and added a unit test in iOS
* added fontSize on iOS
* minor fix
* topBarTransparent
* minor fix
* first dirty custom transition iOS poc. in need of complete refactor and testing
* dirty poc for view transition
* dirty poc of interactive transition
* deleted unNeeded Files
* cleaning
* cleaning, support for interactiveImagePop and backButton custom transition
* cleaning
* merge v2 into custom-transition-animation fix
* merge fix
* merge fix
* cleaning and merge fix
* support for multiple animation in parralel, animations with are not shared element including: velocity, spring, alpha and translate
* last commit should also include these
* added resize mode animation and fixed flickering bug
* refactoring
* first cleaning and another test
* cleaning
* commandsHandler now accepts bridge in constructor, fixed tests, added e2e test
* eslint
* android pop now recieves two parameters - preparation for custom transition
* Refactor + add afterLoad to modal
* merge v2 second try
* merge fix
* merge fix
* fix ios unit tests
* fixed topBarTransparent e2e
* fix js tests
* refactored RNNAnimator, RNNAnimatedView, small fixes
* refactor topBarLargeTitle
* fixed lifycycle bug with componentWillUnmount, small fixes
* fix transparent conflict
* removered Element.js from coverage report
* comment redundent test
(still needs to be discussed), small fix
* removed commented test, moved element.js to adapters
* Reorder dependencies
Keep vs code happy
* Make markdown files readable on MacDown
* BackHandler compatibility
Give precedence to react's BackHandler when hardware back button is pressed
* f
* Update test
* Restore deps
setTabButton -> has now the property 'label' to change the label of the TabButton
iOS update style-update rutine to update each viewcontroller in a NavigationViewController
tabButtonColor improvement
setTabButton to change the label of the TabButton (#2215)
* setTabButton -> has now the property 'label' to change the label of the TabButton
* Add to documentation
* [BugFix] use i instead of 0 to check all TabItems
Add the preview and pop feature
To use the feature you simply call `navigator.push()` but with additional parameter `previewViewID` which is a React Node.
onPressIn={() => this.props.navigator.push({
screen: 'screenid',
previewView: this.viewRef,
previewActions: [{
title: 'Foo',
style: 'selected', // none, selected, destructive
actions: [{ title: 'Bar' }],