* Set to use old bridge for compatibility with 0.30+
* Fixed crash occurring when tabBarBackgroundColor or tabBarButtonColor is not supplied
* Adds setStyle property to index.js
* Adds native code for setting style on RCCViewController
* Fixes setStyle function
* Fixes setting style on navigator
* Adds some styling to tab bar controller and fixes some bugs
* Adds ability to set modal presentation style
* Makes sure autoAdjustScrollViewInsets isn't propagated through when push another view controller
* Changes import to reference controllers rather than react-native-controllers and fixes setStyle mutating colours
* Fixed to work with RN 33
* Fixes updating title font styling with new RCCTitleViewHelper logic
* Fixes subtitle being shown
* Adds extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars to navigation styling
* Adds ability to add shadows to text in navigation bar / tab bar
* Fixed merged ReactGateway.java file
* Fixed issue with rightButtons getting ignored in preference for empty Screen buttons
* Fixes compiler error
More work towards collapsing react view in top bar
This commit contains various fixes and enhancements, mostly because I
was too lazy to commit small changes.
* Add topBarCollapseOnScroll style property which compliments
navBarHideOnScroll. This property is needed when showing a
collapsing topTabs screen. In this case the developer might to keep
the titleBar bar when the screen is collapsed.
* Reduce collapse sensitivity by taking scaled touch slop into account
* Cancel touches when collapsing. This fix prevents buttons from
responding to touch events when collapse ends.
* Add showInAppNotification autoDismissTimerSec param
* Default autoDismissTimerSec of notification to 5, like on iOS
* Add param to disable notification auto-dismiss behaviour.
* Update showInAppNotification example with optional params
dismissInAppNotification support on android. (#687)
* Add .hideInAppNotification on android.
- Separate hide and show animations.
- Implement a little bit of throttling around successive calls to .showInAppNotification
* Update example to demo dismiss.
This commit adds support for icons in TopTabs.
It’s possible to have icons with text, or only icons.
Use topTabIconColor and selectedTopTabIconColor to color the icons
Android: If the user has specified navigatorButtons on the showModal params use those instead of the default navigatorButtons of the registered screen. (#675)