# Changes
* Support RN 0.60
* Migrate to AndroidX
* Improve draw behind StatusBar (Preparation for #4258)
* Don't push BottomTabs when keyboard is displayed (Fixes #4005, #3424)
- It won't be needed to toggle the BottomTabs when Keyboard is visible
* BottomTab badge and dot indicator are not animated by default on Android (parity with iOS)
# Updating from v2
v3 is currently in alpha. To update simply npm install `3.0.0-alpha.11` - `npm install --save react-native-navigation@3.0.0-alpha.11`.
Breaking changes are outlined below.
## Layout system changes on **Android**
* Parent layouts (BottomsTabs, Stack, SideMenu) are always laid out behind the StatusBar.
* Components (`component` and `externalComponent`) are measured and offset according to the StatusBar.
In this release, We're changing the layout system in order to provide better support for immersive and full screen apps. In this release we've improved support for drawing behind the StatusBar, next we'll address drawing behind the NavigationBar.
Use the `drawBehind` and `translucent` options to control the StatusBar
statusBar: {
drawBehind: true, // will draw a screen behind the StatusBar
translucent: true // Usually you'll want to have drawBehind: true when this is true
While this isn't a breaking API change - there are a few breaking side effects.
### How will my app be effected
1. When the keyboard is opened, BottomTabs will now be drawn behind the keyboard and won't shift upwards. This is in parity with the current behaviour in iOS. For the most part, this isn't a breaking change. Toggling BottomTabs when TextInput's focus changes won't be needed anymore.
2. While parent controllers are drawn behind the StatusBar, their background isn't.
This means that when transitioning from a destinations drawn under the StatusBar to a destination drawn behind it, the application's default background color will be visible behind the StatusBar.
If you application's theme is dark, you might want to change the `windowBackground` property to mitigate this:
Add the following to your application's `style.xml`
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:windowBackground">@color/backgroundColor</item>
<!--This is your application's default background color.
It will be visible when the app is first opened (while the splash layout is visible)
and when transitioning between a destination a screen drawn under the StatusBar to
a destination drawn behind it-->
<item name="backgroundColor" type="color">#f00</item>
## AndroidX migration
We've migrated RNN to AndroidX, please follow migration instructions in the react-native repo.
## Removed SyncUiImplementation
[SyncUiImplementation](https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation/blob/master/lib/android/app/src/reactNative57WixFork/java/com/reactnativenavigation/react/SyncUiImplementation.java) was used to overcome a bug in RN's UiImplementation. This workaround was added to RN's `UiImplementation` in RN 0.60 (thanks @SudoPlz) and can be removed from RNN.
If you're using `SyncUiImplementation` your app will fail to compile after upgrading to v3. Simply remove the following code from your `MainApplication.java`
- import com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIImplementationProvider;
- import com.reactnativenavigation.react.SyncUiImplementation;
- @Override
- protected UIImplementationProvider getUIImplementationProvider() {
- return new SyncUiImplementation.Provider();
- }
## BottomTab badge and dot indicator are not animated by default on Android (parity with iOS)
Showing and hiding badge and dot indicator are now not animated by default. Badge animation is now controlled with the `bottomTab.animateBadge` property and dot indicator with `bottomTab.dotIndicator.animate` property.
#### The following option will show a badge with animation
bottomTab: {
badge: 'new,
animateBadge: true
#### The following option will show a dot indicator with animation
bottomTab: {
dotIndicator: {
visible: true,
animate: true
closes #5228
[Experimental] Custom transition animation for ios (#1955)
* screen Background Color iOS
* ios v2 topBarTextFontFamily
* added topBarHidden to iOS
* minor fix and topBarHideOnScroll
* minor fix
* topBarButtonColor iOS
* topBarTranslucent iOS
* topBarTranslucent IOS minor fixes
* eslint fixes
* minor fixes
* changed setTabBadge to tabBadge and added a unit test in iOS
* added fontSize on iOS
* minor fix
* topBarTransparent
* minor fix
* first dirty custom transition iOS poc. in need of complete refactor and testing
* dirty poc for view transition
* dirty poc of interactive transition
* deleted unNeeded Files
* cleaning
* cleaning, support for interactiveImagePop and backButton custom transition
* cleaning
* merge v2 into custom-transition-animation fix
* merge fix
* merge fix
* cleaning and merge fix
* support for multiple animation in parralel, animations with are not shared element including: velocity, spring, alpha and translate
* last commit should also include these
* added resize mode animation and fixed flickering bug
* refactoring
* first cleaning and another test
* cleaning
* commandsHandler now accepts bridge in constructor, fixed tests, added e2e test
* eslint
* android pop now recieves two parameters - preparation for custom transition
* Refactor + add afterLoad to modal
* merge v2 second try
* merge fix
* merge fix
* fix ios unit tests
* fixed topBarTransparent e2e
* fix js tests
* refactored RNNAnimator, RNNAnimatedView, small fixes
* refactor topBarLargeTitle
* fixed lifycycle bug with componentWillUnmount, small fixes
* fix transparent conflict
* removered Element.js from coverage report
* comment redundent test
(still needs to be discussed), small fix
* removed commented test, moved element.js to adapters