Adds BottomTabActivity which replaces TabActivity
Adds a dependency on `com.aurelhubert:ahbottomnavigation:1.2.3`
Uses iOS tabsStyle, with additional parameter that allows toggling of whether to show the titles of inactive tabs
Navigation views such as ToolBar, StatusBar, NavigationBar can now be
customized through a static JSON defined in each screen component.
Styling options introduced in this commit:
- ToolBar color
- StatusBar color
- NavigationBar color
- Buttons tint color
- Title color
- Tab normal text color
- Tab Selected text color
- Selected tab inidicator color
Navigator.push allows us to open a new screen. Currently it starts a new Activity with the screen
as it’s root view, but this is only a temporary behaviour. The intended behaviour is similar to
View Controllers on iOS which allows you to manage view hierarchies or a stack of fragments
managed by FragmentManager on Android.