navigatorEventID was generated from navigator, probably by mistake.
This caused a bug which was noticeable when showing modals from
a pushed screen. In this case two components shared the same
navigatorEventID thus they both responded to events from native.
Adds BottomTabActivity which replaces TabActivity
Adds a dependency on `com.aurelhubert:ahbottomnavigation:1.2.3`
Uses iOS tabsStyle, with additional parameter that allows toggling of whether to show the titles of inactive tabs
Also changed the structure used to store Modals
from a Map based on navigatorId to a stack.
Reason for the change is that screens can be
pushed only to the topmost Modal.
Navigation views such as ToolBar, StatusBar, NavigationBar can now be
customized through a static JSON defined in each screen component.
Styling options introduced in this commit:
- ToolBar color
- StatusBar color
- NavigationBar color
- Buttons tint color
- Title color
- Tab normal text color
- Tab Selected text color
- Selected tab inidicator color
Navigator.push allows us to open a new screen. Currently it starts a new Activity with the screen
as it’s root view, but this is only a temporary behaviour. The intended behaviour is similar to
View Controllers on iOS which allows you to manage view hierarchies or a stack of fragments
managed by FragmentManager on Android.
This class handles all Android specific logic. Currently only startTabBasedApp is implemented,
but in the future all interactions with the UI will go here.