* added the ability to change the backing controller's preferredContentSize through props.
* added some documentation outlining preferredContentSize and modalPresentationStyle properties
* setTabButton -> has now the property 'label' to change the label of the TabButton
* Add to documentation
* [BugFix] use i instead of 0 to check all TabItems
* setStyle -> to change bottomTabBar
* update android
* remove hass...-functions
* update iOS set TabStyle
* iOS change icon color on buttonTabColor has been changed
* iOS update style-update rutine to update each viewcontroller in a NavigationViewController
tabButtonColor improvement
* iOS add forgotten header declaration
* iOS fix c&p error
* [Android] initialize colors for an empty AppStyles-Object
* [Android] fix update style of tabbar on display screen
* [Android] revert eventbus changes
[Android] apply guyca's solution
* [Android] rn 50 compatibility
* remove comment
When disabling elevation by setting topBarElevationShadowEnabled to false, this commit allows to re-enable it by setting the same property to true.
Elevation was previously disabled by using setOutlineProvider(null), with ViewOutlineProvider being an Android 5.0+ object responsible for determining how views draw their outline. To allow re-enabling elevation, we keep our original ViewOutlineProvider and restore it when elevation is enabled again.
Revert "Now allowing the custom nav bar to take up the whole space on iOS" (#2404)
* Revert "Improve getCurrentlyVisibleScreenId on iOS with drawers. (#2052)"
This reverts commit 2c30a52bb9.
* Revert "introducing navbar shadow on iOS (#2339)"
This reverts commit 8fd496e0c9.
* Revert "This fixes an issue with a custom title-view (which has a title and a subtitle) appearing at the left side of the nav-bar instead of the center during a transition animation: when a screen with this title-view is being pushed or when you pop back to it. (#2384)"
This reverts commit 3f7f6c2612.
* Revert "Now allowing the custom nav bar to take up the whole space on iOS (#2306)"
This reverts commit 74a02ccfc5.