# Navigation

## Element

`Element (React.ComponentType<object>)`

## store

`store (Store)`


## registerComponent

`registerComponent(componentName: string, getComponentClassFunc: ComponentProvider): ComponentType<any>`


Every navigation component in your app must be registered with a unique name.
The component itself is a traditional React component extending React.Component.


## registerComponentWithRedux

`registerComponentWithRedux(componentName: string, getComponentClassFunc: ComponentProvider, ReduxProvider: any, reduxStore: any): ComponentType<any>`


Utility helper function like registerComponent,
wraps the provided component with a react-redux Provider with the passed redux store


## setRoot

`setRoot(layout: any): Promise<any>`


Reset the app to a new layout


## setDefaultOptions

`setDefaultOptions(options: any): void`


Set default options to all screens. Useful for declaring a consistent style across the app.


## mergeOptions

`mergeOptions(componentId: string, options: any): void`


Change a component's navigation options


## showModal

`showModal(layout: any): Promise<any>`


Show a screen as a modal.


## dismissModal

`dismissModal(componentId: string): Promise<any>`


Dismiss a modal by componentId. The dismissed modal can be anywhere in the stack.


## dismissAllModals

`dismissAllModals(): Promise<any>`


Dismiss all Modals


## push

`push(componentId: string, layout: any): Promise<any>`


Push a new layout into this screen's navigation stack.


## pop

`pop(componentId: string, params: any): Promise<any>`


Pop a component from the stack, regardless of it's position.


## popTo

`popTo(componentId: string): Promise<any>`


Pop the stack to a given component


## popToRoot

`popToRoot(componentId: string): Promise<any>`


Pop the component's stack to root.


## setStackRoot

`setStackRoot(componentId: string, layout: any): Promise<any>`


Sets new root component to stack.


## showOverlay

`showOverlay(layout: any): Promise<any>`


Show overlay on top of the entire app


## dismissOverlay

`dismissOverlay(componentId: string): Promise<any>`


dismiss overlay by componentId


## getLaunchArgs

`getLaunchArgs(): Promise<any>`


Resolves arguments passed on launch


## events

`events(): EventsRegistry`


Obtain the events registry instance


## constants

`constants(): Promise<any>`


Constants coming from native
