const Utils = require('./Utils'); const Android = require('./AndroidUtils'); const { elementByLabel } = Utils; xdescribe(':android: Android phone locked tests', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await device.relaunchApp(); }); test('launch from locked screen', async () => { await device.terminateApp(); await Android.pressLockButton(); await Android.pressLockButton(); await device.launchApp(); await Android.swipeUp(); // The device should be locked using PIN 1234 await Android.enterText('1234'); await Android.pressEnter(); await expect(elementByLabel('React Native Navigation!')).toBeVisible(); }); test('launch app from unlocked screen', async () => { await device.terminateApp(); await Android.pressLockButton(); await Android.pressLockButton(); await Android.swipeUp(); // The device should be locked using PIN 1234 await Android.enterText('1234'); await Android.pressEnter(); await device.launchApp(); await expect(elementByLabel('React Native Navigation!')).toBeVisible(); }); });