# Screen API This API is relevant when in a screen component context - it allows a screen to push other screens, pop screens, change its navigator style, etc. Access to this API is available through the `navigator` object that is passed to your component through `props`. ## push(params) Push a new screen into this screen's navigation stack. ```js this.props.navigator.push({ screen: 'example.ScreenThree', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen title: undefined, // navigation bar title of the pushed screen (optional) titleImage: require('../../img/my_image.png'), //navigation bar title image instead of the title text of the pushed screen (optional) passProps: {}, // Object that will be passed as props to the pushed screen (optional) animated: true, // does the push have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional) backButtonTitle: undefined, // override the back button title (optional) backButtonHidden: false, // hide the back button altogether (optional) navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the pushed screen (optional) navigatorButtons: {} // override the nav buttons for the pushed screen (optional) }); ``` ## pop(params = {}) Pop the top screen from this screen's navigation stack. ```js this.props.navigator.pop({ animated: true // does the pop have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional) }); ``` ## popToRoot(params = {}) Pop all the screens until the root from this screen's navigation stack. ```js this.props.navigator.popToRoot({ animated: true // does the pop have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional) }); ``` ## resetTo(params) Reset the screen's navigation stack to a new screen (the stack root is changed). ```js this.props.navigator.resetTo({ screen: 'example.ScreenThree', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen title: undefined, // navigation bar title of the pushed screen (optional) passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the pushed screen (optional) animated: true, // does the push have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional) navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the pushed screen (optional) navigatorButtons: {} // override the nav buttons for the pushed screen (optional) }); ``` ## showModal(params = {}) Show a screen as a modal. ```js this.props.navigator.showModal({ screen: "example.ModalScreen", // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen title: "Modal", // title of the screen as appears in the nav bar (optional) passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the modal (optional) navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the screen, see "Styling the navigator" below (optional) animationType: 'slide-up' // 'none' / 'slide-up' , appear animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-up') }); ``` ## dismissModal(params = {}) Dismiss the current modal. ```js this.props.navigator.dismissModal({ animationType: 'slide-down' // 'none' / 'slide-down' , dismiss animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-down') }); ``` ## dismissAllModals(params = {}) Dismiss all the current modals at the same time. ```js this.props.navigator.dismissAllModals({ animationType: 'slide-down' // 'none' / 'slide-down' , dismiss animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-down') }); ``` ## showLightBox(params = {}) Show a screen as a lightbox. ```js this.props.navigator.showLightBox({ screen: "example.LightBoxScreen", // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the lightbox (optional) style: { backgroundBlur: "dark", // 'dark' / 'light' / 'xlight' / 'none' - the type of blur on the background backgroundColor: "#ff000080" // tint color for the background, you can specify alpha here (optional) } }); ``` ## dismissLightBox(params = {}) Dismiss the current lightbox. ```js this.props.navigator.dismissLightBox(); ``` ## handleDeepLink(params = {}) Trigger a deep link within the app. See [deep links](https://wix.github.io/react-native-navigation/#/deep-links) for more details about how screens can listen for deep link events. ```js this.props.navigator.handleDeepLink({ link: "chats/2349823023" // the link string (required) }); ``` > `handleDeepLink` can also be called statically: ```js import {Navigation} from 'react-native-navigation'; Navigation.handleDeepLink(...); ``` ## setOnNavigatorEvent(callback) Set a handler for navigator events (like nav button press). This would normally go in your component constructor. ```js // this.onNavigatorEvent will be our handler this.props.navigator.setOnNavigatorEvent(this.onNavigatorEvent.bind(this)); ``` ## setButtons(params = {}) Set buttons dynamically on the navigator. If your buttons don't change during runtime, see "Adding buttons to the navigator" below to add them using `static navigatorButtons = {...};`. ```js this.props.navigator.setButtons({ leftButtons: [], // see "Adding buttons to the navigator" below for format (optional) rightButtons: [], // see "Adding buttons to the navigator" below for format (optional) animated: true // does the change have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional) }); ``` ## setTitle(params = {}) Set the nav bar title dynamically. If your title doesn't change during runtime, set it when the screen is defined / pushed. ```js this.props.navigator.setTitle({ title: "Dynamic Title" // the new title of the screen as appears in the nav bar }); ``` ## setSubTitle(params = {}) Set the nav bar subtitle dynamically. If your subtitle doesn't change during runtime, set it when the screen is defined / pushed. ```js this.props.navigator.setSubTitle({ subtitle: "Connecting..." }); ``` ## toggleDrawer(params = {}) Toggle the side menu drawer assuming you have one in your app. ```js this.props.navigator.toggleDrawer({ side: 'left', // the side of the drawer since you can have two, 'left' / 'right' animated: true, // does the toggle have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional) to: 'open' // optional, 'open' = open the drawer, 'closed' = close it, missing = the opposite of current state }); ``` ## toggleTabs(params = {}) Toggle whether the tabs are displayed or not (only in tab-based apps). ```js this.props.navigator.toggleTabs({ to: 'hidden', // required, 'hidden' = hide tab bar, 'shown' = show tab bar animated: true // does the toggle have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional) }); ``` ## setTabBadge(params = {}) Set the badge on a tab (any string or numeric value). ```js this.props.navigator.setTabBadge({ tabIndex: 0, // (optional) if missing, the badge will be added to this screen's tab badge: 17 // badge value, null to remove badge }); ``` ## switchToTab(params = {}) Switch to a tab (sets it as the currently selected tab). ```js this.props.navigator.switchToTab({ tabIndex: 0 // (optional) if missing, this screen's tab will become selected }); ``` ## toggleNavBar(params = {}) Toggle whether the navigation bar is displayed or not. ```js this.props.navigator.toggleNavBar({ to: 'hidden', // required, 'hidden' = hide navigation bar, 'shown' = show navigation bar animated: true // does the toggle have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional). By default animated: true }); ``` # Screen Visibility Listen to screen visibility events in onNavigatorEvent handler: ```js export default class ExampleScreen extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.props.navigator.setOnNavigatorEvent(this.onNavigatorEvent.bind(this)); } onNavigatorEvent(event) { switch(event.id) { case 'willAppear': break; case 'didAppear': break; case 'willDisappear': break; case 'didDisappear': break; } } } ```