const React = require('react'); require('react-native'); const renderer = require('react-test-renderer'); const { Provider } = require('react-redux'); const { Navigation } = require('../../lib/dist/index'); describe('redux support', () => { let MyConnectedComponent; let store; beforeEach(() => { MyConnectedComponent = require('./MyComponent'); store = require('./MyStore'); }); it('renders normally', () => { const HOC = class extends React.Component { render() { return ( ); } }; Navigation.registerComponent('ComponentName', () => (props) => , Provider, store.reduxStore); const tree = renderer.create(); expect(tree.toJSON().children).toEqual(['no name']); }); it('passes props into wrapped components', () => { const renderCountIncrement = jest.fn(); const HOC = class extends React.Component { render() { return ( ); } }; const CompFromNavigation = Navigation.registerComponent('ComponentName', () => (props) => )(); const tree = renderer.create(); expect(tree.toJSON().children).toEqual(['no name']); expect(renderCountIncrement).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('rerenders as a result of an underlying state change (by selector)', () => { const renderCountIncrement = jest.fn(); const tree = renderer.create( ); expect(tree.toJSON().children).toEqual(['no name']); expect(renderCountIncrement).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); store.reduxStore.dispatch({ type: 'redux.MyStore.setName', name: 'Bob' }); expect(store.selectors.getName(store.reduxStore.getState())).toEqual('Bob'); expect(tree.toJSON().children).toEqual(['Bob']); expect(renderCountIncrement).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it('rerenders as a result of an underlying state change with a new key', () => { const renderCountIncrement = jest.fn(); const tree = renderer.create( ); expect(tree.toJSON().children).toEqual(null); expect(renderCountIncrement).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); store.reduxStore.dispatch({ type: 'redux.MyStore.setAge', age: 30 }); expect(store.selectors.getAge(store.reduxStore.getState())).toEqual(30); expect(tree.toJSON().children).toEqual(['30']); expect(renderCountIncrement).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); });