describe('app', () => { beforeEach((done) => { global.simulator.relaunchApp(done); }); it('shows welcome screen', () => { expect(elementByLabel('React Native Navigation!')).toBeVisible(); }); it('switch to tab based app, passProps and functions', () => { elementByLabel('Switch to tab based app').tap(); expect(elementByLabel('This is tab 1')).toBeVisible(); expect(elementByLabel('Hello from a function!')).toBeVisible(); }); xit('switch to tabs with side menus', () => { elementByLabel('Switch to tab based app with side menus').tap(); elementByLabel('Switch to tab based app with side menus').swipeRight(); expect(elementByLabel('This is a side menu screen')).toBeVisible(); }); }); function elementByLabel(label) { return element(by.label(label)); }