const Utils = require('./Utils'); const TestIDs = require('../playground/src/testIDs'); const cocktailsList = require('../playground/src/assets/cocktails').default; const { elementByLabel, elementById } = Utils; describe(':ios: SplitView', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await device.relaunchApp(); await elementById(TestIDs.SPLIT_VIEW_BUTTON).tap(); }); it('master screen updates details screen', async () => { const secondCocktail = cocktailsList[1]; await elementById(; await expect(elementByLabel(secondCocktail.description)).toBeVisible(); }); it('push screen to master screen', async () => { await elementById(TestIDs.PUSH_MASTER_BTN).tap(); await expect(elementByLabel('Pushed Screen')).toBeVisible(); }); it('push screen to detail screen', async () => { await elementById(TestIDs.PUSH_DETAILS_BTN).tap(); await expect(elementByLabel('Pushed Screen')).toBeVisible(); }); });