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* What if you want to update your navbar icons and the user pops the screen? Your icons might update on the wrong screen. * What if you want to push a screen as a result of a redux action? There are ways to solve some of these problems in v1 but they are not straightforward. We want to change that. #### New API To solve this problem in v2, every screen receives its `containerId` as a prop. Whenever you want to perform an action from that screen you need to pass the `containerId` to the function: ```js Navigator.pop(this.props.containerId) ``` ### Built for Contributors Currently, it requires a lot of work to accept pull requests. We need to manually make sure that everything works before we approve them because v1 is not thoroughly tested.
v2 is written with contributors in mind from day one. #### Written In TDD v2 is written in Test Driven Development. We have a test for every feature including features that are not implemented yet. This makes accepting pull requests extremely easy: If our tests pass, your pull request is accepted. ## v2 Roadmap ### Current Priorities 1) buttons in Android 2) showOverlay in iOS 3) showOverlay in Android 4) async commands 5) currentTab 6) change navigationOptions to be nested 7) topTabs in both platforms, with API implications ### Top API | Top API | iOS | Android | |--------------------|-----|----| | setRoot | ✅ | ✅ | | registerContainer | ✅ | ✅ | | container | ✅ | ✅ | | sideMenu | ✅ | ✅ | | tabs | ✅ | ✅ | | customViewController | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | splitView | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | ### Screen API | Screen API | iOS | Android | |--------------------|-----|----| | push | ✅ | ✅ | | pop | ✅ | ✅ | | popToRoot | ✅ |✅ | | resetTo | ✅ | ✅| | showModal | ✅ | ✅| | dismissModal | ✅ | ✅| | showOverlay | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | ✅ | | dismissOverlay | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | ✅ | | customTransition | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | Screen Visibility | ✅ |✅| | async commands (await push) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) |✅ | ### Navigation Options | topBar | iOS | Android | contributors| |--------------------|-----|----|-----| | title | ✅ | ✅| Wix| | textColor | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | textFontSize | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | textFontFamily | ✅ | ✅ | Wix | | backgroundColor | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | buttonColor | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | hidden | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | hideOnScroll | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | translucent | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | transparent | WIP @bogobogo | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | noBorder | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | drawUnder | WIP @gran33 | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) || | blur | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | custom | WIP @gran33 | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)| | subtitleColor | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | subtitleFontFamily | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | largeTitle (iOS 11) | ✅ | /iOS Specific | | tabBar | iOS | Android | contributors| |--------------------|-----|----|-----| | drawUnder | WIP @gran33 | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | | hidden | ✅ | ✅ | @gtchance | | tabBadge | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)| Wix| | currentTab by Index | ✅ | ✅ | Wix | | currentTab by cointainerId | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | ✅ | Wix | | buttons | iOS | Android | contributors| |--------------------|-----|----|-----| | id | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) |@Johan-dutoit| | testID | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit| | color | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit| | icon | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit| | disableTint | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit| | fontSize | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit | | fontWeight | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit | | fontWeight | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit | | statusBar | iOS | Android | contributors| |--------------------|-----|----|-----| | textColorScheme | in development | / iOS specific | | textColorSchemeSingleScreen | in development | / iOS specific | | blur | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | hideWithTopBar | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | hidden | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | WIX | | other | iOS | Android | contributors| |--------------------|-----|----|-----| | screenBackgroundColor | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | orientation | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | disabledBackGesture | WIP @gran33 | / iOS specific | | screenBackgroundImageName | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | rootBackgroundImageName | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | sideMenuVisible | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | ## v1 vs v2 Feature Comparison v2 currently supports most of react-native-navigation’s basic functionality but it is still behind v1. Here is the full comparison of features between v1 and v2 (will be updated regularly): ### Top Level API | API | v1 | v2 | |--------------------|-----|----| | startTabBasedApp | ✅ | ✅ | | startSinglePageApp | ✅ | ✅ | | registerScreen | ✅ | ✅ | | drawer | ✅ | ✅ | ### Screen API |  API              | v1 | v2 iOS | v2 Android | |---------------------|--------|------------|--------------| | push | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | pop | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | showModal | ✅ | ✅ | ✅| | popToRoot | ✅ | ✅ |✅ | | resetTo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅| | dismissModal | ✅ | ✅ | ✅| | dismissAllModals | ✅ | ✅ | ✅| | showContextualMenu | ✅ | / Android specific |[Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | dismissContextualMenu | ✅ | / Androic specific |[Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | showFab | ✅ | / Android specific | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | dismissFab | ✅ | / Android specific | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | showSnackBar | ✅ | / Android specific | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | dismissSnackBar | ✅ | / Android specific | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | showLightBox | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | dismissLightBox | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | handleDeepLink | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | Screen Visibility | ✅ | ✅ |✅| ### Styles Note: v1 properties with names beginning with 'navBar' are replaced in v2 with properties beginning with 'topBar' to avoid confusion with the Android native bottom nav bar. | | v1 | v2 iOS | v2 Android | Contributors | |-----------------------|-----|--------|------------|------------| | topBarTextColor | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | topBarTextFontSize | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | topBarTextFontFamily | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Wix | | topBarBackgroundColor | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | topBarButtonColor | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | topBarHidden | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Wix| | topBarHideOnScroll | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | topBarTranslucent | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | topBarTransparent | ✅ | WIP @bogobogo | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | topBarNoBorder | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | drawUnderTabBar | ✅ | WIP @gran33 | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | | drawUnderTopBar | ✅ | WIP @gran33 | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) || | statusBarBlur | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | topBarBlur | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | tabBarHidden | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | statusBarTextColorScheme | ✅ | in development | / iOS specific | | statusBarTextColorSchemeSingleScreen| ✅ | in development | / iOS specific | | topBarSubtitleColor | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | topBarSubtitleFontFamily | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | screenBackgroundColor | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | orientation | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | Wix| | statusBarHideWithTopBar | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @gtchance| | statusBarHidden | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | WIX | | disabledBackGesture | ✅ | WIP @gran33 | / iOS specific | | screenBackgroundImageName | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | rootBackgroundImageName | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | setButtons | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | @Johan-dutoit| | title | ✅ | ✅ | ✅| Wix| | toggleDrawer | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | setTabBadge | ✅ | ✅ | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)| Wix| | switchToTab | ✅ | ✅ |[Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | | topBarCustomView | ✅ | WIP @gran33 | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)| | customTransition(shared element) | :x: | WIP @bogobogo | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)| | splitViewScreen | :x: | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) | [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)| Element transitions, adding buttons and styles are not yet implemented. [Contribute](/docs/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)