import forEach from 'lodash/forEach' import filter from 'lodash/filter' import invoke from 'lodash/invoke' import { mock, verify, instance, deepEqual, when, anything, anyString } from 'ts-mockito'; import { LayoutTreeParser } from './LayoutTreeParser'; import { LayoutTreeCrawler } from './LayoutTreeCrawler'; import { Store } from '../components/Store'; import { Commands } from './Commands'; import { CommandsObserver } from '../events/CommandsObserver'; import { NativeCommandsSender } from '../adapters/NativeCommandsSender'; import { OptionsProcessor } from './OptionsProcessor'; import { UniqueIdProvider } from '../adapters/UniqueIdProvider'; import { Options } from '../interfaces/Options'; describe('Commands', () => { let uut: Commands; let mockedNativeCommandsSender: NativeCommandsSender; let mockedStore: Store; let commandsObserver: CommandsObserver; let mockedUniqueIdProvider: UniqueIdProvider; beforeEach(() => { mockedNativeCommandsSender = mock(NativeCommandsSender); mockedUniqueIdProvider = mock(UniqueIdProvider); when(mockedUniqueIdProvider.generate(anything())).thenCall((prefix) => `${prefix}+UNIQUE_ID`); const uniqueIdProvider = instance(mockedUniqueIdProvider); mockedStore = mock(Store); commandsObserver = new CommandsObserver(uniqueIdProvider); const mockedOptionsProcessor = mock(OptionsProcessor); const optionsProcessor = instance(mockedOptionsProcessor) as OptionsProcessor; uut = new Commands( mockedStore, instance(mockedNativeCommandsSender), new LayoutTreeParser(uniqueIdProvider), new LayoutTreeCrawler(instance(mockedStore), optionsProcessor), commandsObserver, uniqueIdProvider, optionsProcessor ); }); describe('setRoot', () => { it('sends setRoot to native after parsing into a correct layout tree', () => { uut.setRoot({ root: { component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } } }); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.setRoot( 'setRoot+UNIQUE_ID', deepEqual({ root: { type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', children: [], data: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen', options: {}, passProps: undefined } }, modals: [], overlays: [] }) ) ).called(); }); it('returns a promise with the resolved layout', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.setRoot(anything(), anything())).thenResolve( 'the resolved layout' ); const result = await uut.setRoot({ root: { component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } } }); expect(result).toEqual('the resolved layout'); }); it('inputs modals and overlays', () => { uut.setRoot({ root: { component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }, modals: [{ component: { name: 'com.example.MyModal' } }], overlays: [{ component: { name: 'com.example.MyOverlay' } }] }); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.setRoot( 'setRoot+UNIQUE_ID', deepEqual({ root: { type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', children: [], data: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen', options: {}, passProps: undefined } }, modals: [ { type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', children: [], data: { name: 'com.example.MyModal', options: {}, passProps: undefined } } ], overlays: [ { type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', children: [], data: { name: 'com.example.MyOverlay', options: {}, passProps: undefined } } ] }) ) ).called(); }); }); describe('mergeOptions', () => { it('passes options for component', () => { uut.mergeOptions('theComponentId', { blurOnUnmount: true }); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.mergeOptions( 'theComponentId', deepEqual({ blurOnUnmount: true }) ) ).called(); }); }); describe('updateProps', () => { it('delegates to store', () => { uut.updateProps('theComponentId', {someProp: 'someValue'}); verify(mockedStore.updateProps('theComponentId', deepEqual({someProp: 'someValue'}))); }); it('notifies commands observer', () => { uut.updateProps('theComponentId', {someProp: 'someValue'}); verify(commandsObserver.notify('updateProps', deepEqual({componentId: 'theComponentId', props: {someProp: 'someValue'}}))); }); }); describe('showModal', () => { it('sends command to native after parsing into a correct layout tree', () => { uut.showModal({ component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.showModal( 'showModal+UNIQUE_ID', deepEqual({ type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', data: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen', options: {}, passProps: undefined }, children: [] }) ) ).called(); }); it('returns a promise with the resolved layout', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.showModal(anything(), anything())).thenResolve( 'the resolved layout' ); const result = await uut.showModal({ component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }); expect(result).toEqual('the resolved layout'); }); }); describe('dismissModal', () => { it('sends command to native', () => { uut.dismissModal('myUniqueId', {}); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.dismissModal( 'dismissModal+UNIQUE_ID', 'myUniqueId', deepEqual({}) ) ).called(); }); it('returns a promise with the id', async () => { when( mockedNativeCommandsSender.dismissModal(anyString(), anything(), anything()) ).thenResolve('the id'); const result = await uut.dismissModal('myUniqueId'); expect(result).toEqual('the id'); }); }); describe('dismissAllModals', () => { it('sends command to native', () => { uut.dismissAllModals({}); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.dismissAllModals('dismissAllModals+UNIQUE_ID', deepEqual({})) ).called(); }); it('returns a promise with the id', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.dismissAllModals(anyString(), anything())).thenResolve( 'the id' ); const result = await uut.dismissAllModals(); expect(result).toEqual('the id'); }); }); describe('push', () => { it('resolves with the parsed layout', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.push(anyString(), anyString(), anything())).thenResolve( 'the resolved layout' ); const result = await uut.push('theComponentId', { component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }); expect(result).toEqual('the resolved layout'); }); it('parses into correct layout node and sends to native', () => { uut.push('theComponentId', { component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.push( 'push+UNIQUE_ID', 'theComponentId', deepEqual({ type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', data: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen', options: {}, passProps: undefined }, children: [] }) ) ).called(); }); }); describe('pop', () => { it('pops a component, passing componentId', () => { uut.pop('theComponentId', {}); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.pop('pop+UNIQUE_ID', 'theComponentId', deepEqual({})) ).called(); }); it('pops a component, passing componentId and options', () => { const options: Options = { popGesture: true }; uut.pop('theComponentId', options); verify(mockedNativeCommandsSender.pop('pop+UNIQUE_ID', 'theComponentId', options)).called(); }); it('pop returns a promise that resolves to componentId', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.pop(anyString(), anyString(), anything())).thenResolve( 'theComponentId' ); const result = await uut.pop('theComponentId', {}); expect(result).toEqual('theComponentId'); }); }); describe('popTo', () => { it('pops all components until the passed Id is top', () => { uut.popTo('theComponentId', {}); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.popTo('popTo+UNIQUE_ID', 'theComponentId', deepEqual({})) ).called(); }); it('returns a promise that resolves to targetId', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.popTo(anyString(), anyString(), anything())).thenResolve( 'theComponentId' ); const result = await uut.popTo('theComponentId'); expect(result).toEqual('theComponentId'); }); }); describe('popToRoot', () => { it('pops all components to root', () => { uut.popToRoot('theComponentId', {}); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.popToRoot('popToRoot+UNIQUE_ID', 'theComponentId', deepEqual({})) ).called(); }); it('returns a promise that resolves to targetId', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.popToRoot(anyString(), anyString(), anything())).thenResolve( 'theComponentId' ); const result = await uut.popToRoot('theComponentId'); expect(result).toEqual('theComponentId'); }); }); describe('setStackRoot', () => { it('parses into correct layout node and sends to native', () => { uut.setStackRoot('theComponentId', [{ component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }]); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.setStackRoot( 'setStackRoot+UNIQUE_ID', 'theComponentId', deepEqual([ { type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', data: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen', options: {}, passProps: undefined }, children: [] } ]) ) ).called(); }); }); describe('showOverlay', () => { it('sends command to native after parsing into a correct layout tree', () => { uut.showOverlay({ component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.showOverlay( 'showOverlay+UNIQUE_ID', deepEqual({ type: 'Component', id: 'Component+UNIQUE_ID', data: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen', options: {}, passProps: undefined }, children: [] }) ) ).called(); }); it('resolves with the component id', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.showOverlay(anyString(), anything())).thenResolve( 'Component1' ); const result = await uut.showOverlay({ component: { name: 'com.example.MyScreen' } }); expect(result).toEqual('Component1'); }); }); describe('dismissOverlay', () => { it('check promise returns true', async () => { when(mockedNativeCommandsSender.dismissOverlay(anyString(), anyString())).thenResolve(true); const result = await uut.dismissOverlay('Component1'); verify(mockedNativeCommandsSender.dismissOverlay(anyString(), anyString())).called(); expect(result).toEqual(true); }); it('send command to native with componentId', () => { uut.dismissOverlay('Component1'); verify( mockedNativeCommandsSender.dismissOverlay('dismissOverlay+UNIQUE_ID', 'Component1') ).called(); }); }); describe('notifies commandsObserver', () => { let cb: any; let mockedLayoutTreeParser: LayoutTreeParser; let mockedLayoutTreeCrawler: LayoutTreeCrawler; let anotherMockedUniqueIdProvider: UniqueIdProvider; beforeEach(() => { cb = jest.fn(); mockedLayoutTreeParser = mock(LayoutTreeParser); mockedLayoutTreeCrawler = mock(LayoutTreeCrawler); commandsObserver.register(cb); const mockedOptionsProcessor = mock(OptionsProcessor) as OptionsProcessor; anotherMockedUniqueIdProvider = mock(UniqueIdProvider); when(anotherMockedUniqueIdProvider.generate(anything())).thenCall( (prefix) => `${prefix}+UNIQUE_ID` ); uut = new Commands( mockedStore, mockedNativeCommandsSender, instance(mockedLayoutTreeParser), instance(mockedLayoutTreeCrawler), commandsObserver, instance(anotherMockedUniqueIdProvider), instance(mockedOptionsProcessor) ); }); function getAllMethodsOfUut() { const uutFns = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Commands.prototype); const methods = filter(uutFns, (fn) => fn !== 'constructor'); expect(methods.length).toBeGreaterThan(1); return methods; } describe('passes correct params', () => { const argsForMethodName: Record = { setRoot: [{}], setDefaultOptions: [{}], mergeOptions: ['id', {}], updateProps: ['id', {}], showModal: [{}], dismissModal: ['id', {}], dismissAllModals: [{}], push: ['id', {}], pop: ['id', {}], popTo: ['id', {}], popToRoot: ['id', {}], setStackRoot: ['id', [{}]], showOverlay: [{}], dismissOverlay: ['id'], getLaunchArgs: ['id'] }; const paramsForMethodName: Record = { setRoot: { commandId: 'setRoot+UNIQUE_ID', layout: { root: null, modals: [], overlays: [] } }, setDefaultOptions: { options: {} }, mergeOptions: { componentId: 'id', options: {} }, updateProps: { componentId: 'id', props: {} }, showModal: { commandId: 'showModal+UNIQUE_ID', layout: null }, dismissModal: { commandId: 'dismissModal+UNIQUE_ID', componentId: 'id', mergeOptions: {} }, dismissAllModals: { commandId: 'dismissAllModals+UNIQUE_ID', mergeOptions: {} }, push: { commandId: 'push+UNIQUE_ID', componentId: 'id', layout: null }, pop: { commandId: 'pop+UNIQUE_ID', componentId: 'id', mergeOptions: {} }, popTo: { commandId: 'popTo+UNIQUE_ID', componentId: 'id', mergeOptions: {} }, popToRoot: { commandId: 'popToRoot+UNIQUE_ID', componentId: 'id', mergeOptions: {} }, setStackRoot: { commandId: 'setStackRoot+UNIQUE_ID', componentId: 'id', layout: [null] }, showOverlay: { commandId: 'showOverlay+UNIQUE_ID', layout: null }, dismissOverlay: { commandId: 'dismissOverlay+UNIQUE_ID', componentId: 'id' }, getLaunchArgs: { commandId: 'getLaunchArgs+UNIQUE_ID' } }; forEach(getAllMethodsOfUut(), (m) => { it(`for ${m}`, () => { expect(argsForMethodName).toHaveProperty(m); expect(paramsForMethodName).toHaveProperty(m); invoke(uut, m, ...argsForMethodName[m]); expect(cb).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(cb).toHaveBeenCalledWith(m, paramsForMethodName[m]); }); }); }); }); });