Prefer new imageWithTintColor API when tinting an UIImage #5d751f6 by danilobuerger
Fixed disappearing StatusBar when displaying native ViewControllers #58c76e1 by yogevbd
Fixed title layout issues on iOS 13 #898e187, #a3f176d, #094b9a7 by yogevbd
Fixed leaking pageSheet modals on iOS 13 #2b4d897 by yogevbd
Fix defaultOptions not being applied if called after setRoot #338b096 by guyca
Support passing null color to StatusBar backgroundColor and bottom tab icon color #3519837 by guyca
boolean propertyUiImplementation
in RN 0.60 and can be removed from RNN.If you’re using SyncUiImplementation
your app will fail to compile after upgrading to v3. Simply remove the following code from your
- import com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIImplementationProvider;
- import com.reactnativenavigation.react.SyncUiImplementation;
- @override
- protected UIImplementationProvider getUIImplementationProvider() {
- return new SyncUiImplementation.Provider();
- }
BottomTab badge and dot indicator are not animated by default.
The following option will show a badge with animation
bottomTab: {
badge: 'new,
animateBadge: true
The following option will show a dot indicator with animation
bottomTab: {
dotIndicator: {
visible: true,
animate: true
Stack, BottomTabs and SideMenu are drawn behind StatusBar.
While parent controllers are drawn behind the StatusBar, their background isn’t.
This means that when transitioning from a destinations drawn under the StatusBar to a destination drawn behind it, the application’s default background color will be visible behind the StatusBar.
If you application’s theme is dark, you might want to change the windowBackground
property to mitigate this:
Add the following to your application’s style.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:windowBackground">@color/backgroundColor</item>
<!--This is your application's default background color.
It will be visible when the app is first opened (while the splash layout is visible)
and when transitioning between a destination a screen drawn under the StatusBar to
a destination drawn behind it-->
<item name="backgroundColor" type="color">#f00</item>
Fix compilation error on Xcode 10.x #99ddcd8 and #83f03cd by yogevbd
Don’t merge null bottomTab.selectedIconColor and bottomTab.iconColor #c48ed74 by guyca
Support updating component props with Navigation.mergeOptions #291f161 by justtal
Safer check around component listener trigger #51d1b66 by dozoisch
Fix setStackRoot crash when called with the same id #3c08b1c by guyca
Fix crashes related to race conditions around ViewController.destroy #f2e46ea by guyca
Include PassProps in layout parameter of CommandListener #d3d01c2 by yogevbd
Fix TopBar background React component flicker when pushing screens #99032e0 by FRizzonelli
Add missing topMargin type to OptionsTopBar #9d7d7f4 by ceyhuno
Stop keeping hard reference to ViewControllers, remove RNNStore #275304c by yogevbd
Apply bottomTabs options after children added #2bddff3 by yogevbd
option - This option is used to set background color only for component layouts. #cb48065 by guycaSkipped versions due to CI maintenance