react-native-navigation的迁移库 1.8KB

iOS Installation

!> Make sure you are using react-native version >= 0.51. We also recommend using npm version >= 3

  1. Install react-native-navigation latest stable version.

    yarn add react-native-navigation@1.x.x
  2. In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), right-click on the Libraries > Add files to [project name]. Add ./node_modules/react-native-navigation/ios/ReactNativeNavigation.xcodeproj (screenshots)

  3. In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), click on your project (top), then click on your target row (on the “project and targets list”, which is on the left column of the right pane) and select the Build Phases tab (right pane). In the Link Binary With Libraries section add libReactNativeNavigation.a (screenshots)

  4. In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), click on your project (top), then click on your project row (on the “project and targets list”) and select the Build Settings tab (right pane). In the Header Search Paths section add $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-navigation/ios. Make sure on the right to mark this new path recursive (screenshots)

  5. In Xcode, you will need to edit this file: AppDelegate.m.

    Replace all of its code with this reference

    Replace @"index.ios" with @"index" if you are using index.js as your entry point instead of index.ios.js and (it is the default since React Native 0.49).