react-native-navigation的迁移库 5.1KB


Thanks for you interest in helping out! We’d love your contributions, and there’s plenty of work to be done regardless of your skill level. Before you start, you’ll need to have some things installed in your environment so that you can run locally.

Environment Requirements

  • Mac OSX
  • Latest stable XCode
  • Latest stable Node:
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" && [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"
nvm install stable
nvm use stable
  • Latest stable Yarn:
curl -o- -L | bash
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.yarn/bin
  • Android SDK:
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

# fix for
mkdir -p ~/.android

# download android SDK
echo "Downloading Android SDK"
curl --location | tar -x -z -C $HOME
  • fbsimctl:
brew tap facebook/fb && brew install fbsimctl

Basics - Getting Started

Got your environment set up? Go ahead and clone the repo. (Fork it first so you can open a PR when you’re ready.)


  1. Install dependencies:

    yarn install
  2. Run the playground project in Android and iOS so that you can get a feel for the project.

    1. yarn start to get the package running in a terminal, leave it open

    2. iOS: yarn xcode & run the project from XCode

    3. Android: Open the app in Android Studio and click Run

  3. Run the tests. Before you start changing things, make sure everything works.

     yarn test-all


  • If the tests fail with an error like Ineligible destinations for the "ReactNativeNavigation" scheme, double check that you have the latest XCode installed.
  • If the tests fail because an Android emulator isn’t available (something like No connected devices!), start the Android project from Android Studio and leave the emulator running, then try again.
  • If the tests fail with an error such as:

 beforeEach(async () => {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (

You probably have an old node version which doesn’t support async functions. Update your node using nvm according to the instructions above.


This project is driven by tests. Before implementing any feature or fixing any bug, a failing test (e2e or unit or both) should be added, depending on the environment of where the fix should be implemented. For example, for an API change, a failing e2e should be written. For a small bug fix in Android, for example, a unit test in Android should be added.

This will ensure good quality throughout the life of the project and will avoid unexpected breakages.

No PR will be accepted without adequate test coverage.

Folder Structure

Folder Description
lib The project itself composed of:
lib/android android sources and unit tests
lib/ios iOS sources and unit tests
lib/src javascript sources and unit tests
lib/src/index.js the entry point for import Navigation from 'react-native-navigation'
e2e detox iOS e2e tests (in the future, once detox supports it, we will have android e2e here as well)
AndroidE2E Android e2e tests using native uiautomator (until detox for android is ready)
playground The end-user project all e2e tests run against. Contains its own src, android and ios. Does not have its own package.json, depends on the local <root>/lib in order not to go through npm.
integration misc javascript integration tests
scripts all scripts


Command Description
yarn install installs dependencies
yarn clean cleans all build directories, stops packager, fixes flakiness by removing watchman cache, etc.
yarn start starts the react-native packager for local debugging
yarn xcode for convenience, opens xcode in this project
yarn install-android builds playground debug/release version and installs on running android devices/emulators.
Options: -- release
yarn uninstall-android uninstalls playground from running android devices/simulators
yarn test-js runs javascript tests and coverage report
yarn test-watch runs javascript tests in watch mode (can also use the provided wallaby config)
yarn test-unit-ios runs ios unit tests in debug/release
Options: -- release
yarn test-unit-android runs android unit tests in debug/release
Options: -- release
yarn test-e2e-ios runs the ios e2e suite (with detox) in debug/release
yarn test-e2e-android runs the android e2e suite (with uiautomator) in debug/release on running devices/emulators
Options: -- [release] [just com.TestClass#testMethod]
yarn test-all runs all tests in parallel