react-native-navigation的迁移库 3.9KB


navigation.registerComponent(componentName, getComponentFunc)

Every screen component in your app must be registered with a unique name. The component itself is a traditional React component extending React.Component.

Param Type Description
componentName string Unique component name
getComponentFunc function generator function, typically () => require('./myComponent')


Reset the navigation stack to a new screen (the stack root is changed).

Param Type
root Root


Set default options to all screens. Useful for declaring a consistent style across the app.

Param Type
options NavigationOptions

navigation.setOptions(componentId, options)

Change a components navigation options

Param Type Description
componentId string The component’s id.
options NavigationOptions


Show a screen as a modal.

Param Type
params object


Dismiss a modal by componentId. The dismissed modal can be anywhere in the stack.

Param Type Description
componentId string The component’s id.


Dismiss all Modals

navigation.push(componentId, component)

Push a new screen into this screen’s navigation stack.

Param Type Description
componentId string The component’s id.
component Component

navigation.pop(componentId, params)

Pop a component from the stack, regardless of it’s position.

Param Type Description
componentId string The component’s id.
params *


Pop the stack to a given component

Param Type Description
componentId string The component’s id.


Pop the component’s stack to root.

Param Type
componentId *

Obtain the events registery instance