react-native-navigation的迁移库 6.9KB


The possibilities of the RNN layout API are wide open in terms of what you can construct with it: stacks, tabs and drawers in many combinations.

You can compose arbitrary native layout hierarchies (although some weird edge cases may not be possible or produce errors). In such cases, open an issue so that we either fix it or warn in dev time.


Component layout holds a single react component.

const component = {
  id: 'component1', // Optional, Auto generated if empty
  name: 'Your registered component name',
  options: {},
  passProps: {
    text: 'This text will be available in your component.props'


Support children layouts of any kind. A stack can be initialised with more than one screen, in which case the last screen will be presented at the top of the stack.

const stack = {
  children: [
      component: {}
      component: {}
  options: {}


const bottomTabs = {
  children: [
      stack: {
        children: [],
        options: {
          bottomTab: {
            text: 'Tab 1',
            icon: require('../images/one.png')
      component: {
        name: 'secondTabScreen',
        options: {
          bottomTab: {
            text: 'Tab 2',
            icon: require('../images/two.png')
  options: {}

Selecting tabs programmatically

The selected index is a style property which can be updated using the mergeOptions command. In order to update the BottomTabs options, Pass the BottomTabs componentId or the componentId of one of its children.

?>We’ll use the following BottomTabs layout to demonstrate programmatic tab selection.

const bottomTabs = {
  id: 'BottomTabsId',
  children: [
      component: {
        name: 'FirstScreen',
        options: { ... }
      component: {
        id: 'SecondScreenId',
        name: 'SecondScreen',
        options: { ... }

selecting a tab by index

The following mergeOptions command will select the second tab. We’re passing the id of our BottomTabs, but we could also use the id of any of the child components, for example SecondScreenId.

Navigation.mergeOptions('BottomTabsId', {
  bottomTabs: {
    currentTabIndex: 1

selecting a tab by componentId

Tabs can also be selected by componentId. This is particularly useful in cases where you don’t know in which tab a screen is contained.

For example, if invoked from one of the child components;SecondScreen or FirstScreen, the following merge command will select the tab containing the child.

Navigation.mergeOptions(this.props.componentId, {
  bottomTabs: {
    currentTabId: this.props.componentId

Changing BottomTabs visibility

The visible property can be used to control the BottomTab visibility.

On Android, Visibility can be toggled dynamically using the mergeOptions command. When hiding BottomTabs, drawBehind: true should be specified in order for the screen to render behind the area which was previously allocated to the BottomTabs.

Navigation.mergeOptions(componentId, {
  bottomTabs: visible: false,{ android: { drawBehind: true } })

On both platforms visibility can be changed when pushing screens into a stack which is a direct child of a BottomTabs layout:

Navigation.push(componentId, {
	component: {
	  name: 'pushedScreen',
	  options: { bottomTabs: visible: false }

Updating options for a specific tab

Updating (merging) tab specific options is done using the mergeOptions command. mergeOptions expects a componentId as first argument, therefore in order to update a specific tab we’ll need to pass a componentId of a child of that specific tab. For example, Using the layout specified above, To update the badge property of the second tab we’ll call mergeOptions with SecondScreenId.

Navigation.mergeOptions('SecondScreenId', {
  bottomTab: {
    badge: 'New'


Expect center, left and right layouts. center: { stack: … } is required to have a topBar in center screen of a sideMenu app.

const sideMenu = {
  left: {
    component: {}
  center: {
    stack: {
      options: {},
      children: [{
        component: {}
  right: {
    component: {}

splitView (iOS only)

Master and Detail based layout.

You can change the it’s options with Navigation.mergeOptions('splitView1', { maxWidth: 400 }).

const splitView = {
  id: 'splitView1', // Required to update options
  master: {
    // All layout types accepted supported by device, eg. `stack`
  detail: {
    // All layout types accepted supported by device, eg. `stack`
  options: {
    displayMode: 'auto', // Master view display mode: `auto`, `visible`, `hidden` and `overlay`
    primaryEdge: 'leading', // Master view side: `leading` or `trailing`
    minWidth: 150, // Minimum width of master view
    maxWidth: 300, // Maximum width of master view

Layout Examples

Single page app with two side menus:

  root: {
    sideMenu: {
      left: {
        component: {
          name: 'navigation.playground.TextScreen',
          passProps: {
            text: 'This is a left side menu screen'
      center: {
        component: {
          name: 'navigation.playground.WelcomeScreen'
      right: {
        component: {
          name: 'navigation.playground.TextScreen',
          passProps: {
            text: 'This is a right side menu screen'

Tab based app (with passProps example):

  root: {
    bottomTabs: {
      children: [
          component: {
            name: 'navigation.playground.TextScreen',
            passProps: {
              text: 'This is tab 1',
              myFunction: () => 'Hello from a function!',
          component: {
            name: 'navigation.playground.TextScreen',
            passProps: {
              text: 'This is tab 2',

Stack based app (with options example, initialised with 2 screens):

  root: {
    stack: {
      options: {
        topBar: {
          visible: false
      children: [
          component: {
            name: 'navigation.playground.TextScreen',
            passProps: {
              text: 'This is tab 1',
              myFunction: () => 'Hello from a function!',
          component: {
            name: 'navigation.playground.TextScreen',
            passProps: {
              text: 'This is tab 2',