Tal Kol 70813528ff Update 8 anni fa
example release 0.1.0, redux support, explicit setOnNavigatorEvent, simplified API - no more direct work with Screen 8 anni fa
example-redux Update 8 anni fa
src release 0.1.0, redux support, explicit setOnNavigatorEvent, simplified API - no more direct work with Screen 8 anni fa
.gitignore initial 8 anni fa
.npmignore adding support for modals 8 anni fa
LICENSE initial 8 anni fa Update 8 anni fa Update 8 anni fa
index.js initial 8 anni fa
package.json release 0.1.0, redux support, explicit setOnNavigatorEvent, simplified API - no more direct work with Screen 8 anni fa

React Native Navigation

App-wide support for 100% native navigation with an easy cross-platform interface. For iOS, this package is a wrapper around react-native-controllers, but provides a simplified more abstract API over it. This abstract API will be unified with the Android solution which is currently work in progress.


Installation - iOS

  • Make sure you are using react-native version >= 0.19.0

  • In your project folder run npm install react-native-navigation --save

    Note: We recommend using npm ver 3+. If you insist on using npm ver 2 please notice that the location for react-native-controllers in node_modules will be under the react-native-navigation folder and you’ll need to change the paths in Xcode below accordingly.

  • Add the native files of the dependency react-native-controllers to your Xcode project:

    • In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), right-click on the Libraries > Add files to [project name]. Add ./node_modules/react-native-controllers/ios/ReactNativeControllers.xcodeproj (screenshots)

    • In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), click on your project (top) and select the Build Phases tab (right pane). In the Link Binary With Libraries section add libReactNativeControllers.a (screenshots)

    • In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), click on your project (top) and select the Build Settings tab (right pane). In the Header Search Paths section add $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-controllers/ios. Make sure on the right to mark this new path recursive (screenshots)

  • In Xcode, under your project files, modify AppDelegate.m according to this example

Installation - Android

Coming soon, not yet supported


If you don’t like reading, just jump into the fully working example project.

Step 1 - Change the way your app starts

This would normally go in your index.ios.js

import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';

// import the components for your root screens (or the packager will not bundle them)
// they all need to be registered with Navigation.registerScreen
import './FirstTabScreen';
import './SecondTabScreen';

// start the app
  tabs: [
      label: 'One',
      screen: 'example.FirstTabScreen',
      icon: require('../img/one.png'),
      selectedIcon: require('../img/one_selected.png'),
      title: 'Screen One'
      label: 'Two',
      screen: 'example.SecondTabScreen',
      icon: require('../img/two.png'),
      selectedIcon: require('../img/two_selected.png'),
      title: 'Screen Two'

Step 2 - Slightly modify your screen components

Every screen that you want to be able to place in a tab, push to the navigation stack or present modally needs to follow two basic conventions:

  1. Normally your React components extend React.Component, in order to get access to the navigator instance you need to extend Screen instead.

  2. You need to register your component since it’s displayed as a separate React root. Register a unique ID with Navigation.registerScreen.

Note: Since your screens will potentially be bundled with other packages, your registered name must be unique! Follow a namespacing convention like packageName.ScreenName.

import { Navigation, Screen } from 'react-native-navigation';

class ExampleScreen extends Screen {
  static navigatorStyle = {}; // style the navigator for this screen (optional)
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>...</View>

// register all screens with Navigation.registerScreen
Navigation.registerScreen('example.ScreenOne', () => ExampleScreen);

Top Level API


import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';
  • registerScreen(screenID, generator)

Every screen used must be registered with a unique name.

Navigation.registerScreen('example.FirstTabScreen', () => FirstTabScreen);
  • startTabBasedApp(params)

Change your app root into an app based on several tabs (usually 2-5), a very common pattern in iOS (like Facebook app or the iOS Contacts app). Every tab has its own navigation stack with a native nav bar.

  tabs: [
      label: 'One', // tab label as appears under the icon in iOS (optional)
      screen: 'example.FirstTabScreen', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
      icon: require('../img/one.png'), // local image asset for the tab icon unselected state (optional)
      selectedIcon: require('../img/one_selected.png'), // local image asset for the tab icon selected state (optional)
      title: 'Screen One', // title of the screen as appears in the nav bar (optional)
      navigatorStyle: {} // override the navigator style for the tab screen, see "Styling the navigator" below (optional)
      label: 'Two',
      screen: 'example.SecondTabScreen',
      icon: require('../img/two.png'),
      selectedIcon: require('../img/two_selected.png'),
      title: 'Screen Two'
  drawer: { // optional, add this if you want a side menu drawer in your app
    left: { // optional, define if you want a drawer from the left
      screen: 'example.FirstSideMenu' // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
    right: { // optional, define if you want a drawer from the right
      screen: 'example.SecondSideMenu' // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
  • startSingleScreenApp(params)

Change your app root into an app based on a single screen (like the iOS Calendar or Settings app). The screen will receive its own navigation stack with a native nav bar

  screen: {
    screen: 'example.WelcomeScreen', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
    title: 'Welcome', // title of the screen as appears in the nav bar (optional)
    navigatorStyle: {} // override the navigator style for the screen, see "Styling the navigator" below (optional)
  drawer: { // optional, add this if you want a side menu drawer in your app
    left: { // optional, define if you want a drawer from the left
      screen: 'example.FirstSideMenu' // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
    right: { // optional, define if you want a drawer from the right
      screen: 'example.SecondSideMenu' // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
  • showModal(params = {})

Show a screen as a modal.

  screen: "example.ModalScreen", // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
  title: "Modal", // title of the screen as appears in the nav bar (optional)
  passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the modal (optional)
  navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the screen, see "Styling the navigator" below (optional)
  animationType: 'slide-up' // 'none' / 'slide-up' , appear animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-up')
  • dismissModal(params = {})

Dismiss the current modal.

  animationType: 'slide-down' // 'none' / 'slide-down' , dismiss animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-down')

Screen API

This API is relevant when in a screen context - it allows a screen to push other screens, pop screens, change its navigator style, etc. Access to this API is available through the navigator object. When your screen components extend Screen, they have this.navigator available and initialized.

  • push(params)

Push a new screen into this screen’s navigation stack.

  screen: 'example.ScreenThree', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
  title: undefined, // navigation bar title of the pushed screen (optional)
  passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the pushed screen (optional)
  animated: true, // does the push have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
  backButtonTitle: undefined, // override the back button title (optional)
  navigatorStyle: {} // override the navigator style for the pushed screen (optional)
  • pop(params = {})

Pop the top screen from this screen’s navigation stack.

  animated: true // does the pop have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
  • popToRoot(params = {})

Pop all the screens until the root from this screen’s navigation stack.

  animated: true // does the pop have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
  • resetTo(params)

Reset the screen’s navigation stack to a new screen (the stack root is changed).

  screen: 'example.ScreenThree', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
  title: undefined, // navigation bar title of the pushed screen (optional)
  passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the pushed screen (optional)
  animated: true, // does the push have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
  navigatorStyle: {} // override the navigator style for the pushed screen (optional)
  • showModal(params = {})

Show a screen as a modal.

  screen: "example.ModalScreen", // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
  title: "Modal", // title of the screen as appears in the nav bar (optional)
  passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the modal (optional)
  navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the screen, see "Styling the navigator" below (optional)
  animationType: 'slide-up' // 'none' / 'slide-up' , appear animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-up')
  • dismissModal(params = {})

Dismiss the current modal.

  animationType: 'slide-down' // 'none' / 'slide-down' , dismiss animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-down')
  • setButtons(params = {})

Set buttons dynamically on the navigator. If your buttons don’t change during runtime, see “Adding buttons to the navigator” below to add them using static navigatorButtons = {...};.

  leftButtons: [], // see "Adding buttons to the navigator" below for format (optional)
  rightButtons: [], // see "Adding buttons to the navigator" below for format (optional)
  animated: true // does the change have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
  • setTitle(params = {})

Set the nav bar title dynamically. If your title doesn’t change during runtime, set it when the screen is defined / pushed.

  title: "Dynamic Title" // the new title of the screen as appears in the nav bar
  • toggleDrawer(params = {})

Toggle the side menu drawer assuming you have one in your app.

  side: 'left', // the side of the drawer since you can have two, 'left' / 'right'
  animated: true // does the toggle have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)

Styling the navigator

You can style the navigator appearance and behavior by passing a navigatorStyle object. This object can be passed when the screen is originally created; can be defined per-screen in the static navigatorStyle = {}; on Screen; and can be overridden when a screen is pushed.

Style object format

  navBarTextColor: '#000000', // change the text color of the title (remembered across pushes)
  navBarBackgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', // change the background color of the nav bar (remembered across pushes)
  navBarButtonColor: '#007aff', // change the button colors of the nav bar (eg. the back button) (remembered across pushes)
  navBarHidden: false, // make the nav bar hidden
  navBarHideOnScroll: false, // make the nav bar hidden only after the user starts to scroll
  navBarTranslucent: false, // make the nav bar semi-translucent, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true
  drawUnderNavBar: false, // draw the screen content under the nav bar, works best with navBarTranslucent:true
  drawUnderTabBar: false, // draw the screen content under the tab bar (the tab bar is always translucent)
  statusBarBlur: false, // blur the area under the status bar, works best with navBarHidden:true
  navBarBlur: false, // blur the entire nav bar, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true
  tabBarHidden: false, // make the screen content hide the tab bar (remembered across pushes)
  statusBarHideWithNavBar: false // hide the status bar if the nav bar is also hidden, useful for navBarHidden:true
  statusBarHidden: false, // make the status bar hidden regardless of nav bar state
  statusBarTextColorScheme: 'dark' // text color of status bar, 'dark' / 'light' (remembered across pushes)

Note: If you set any styles related to the Status Bar, make sure that in Xcode > project > Info.plist, the property View controller-based status bar appearance is set to YES.

All supported styles are defined here. There’s also an example project there showcasing all the different styles.

Screen-specific style example

Define a screen-specific style by adding static navigatorStyle = {...}; to the Screen definition.

class StyledScreen extends Screen {
  static navigatorStyle = {
    drawUnderNavBar: true,
    drawUnderTabBar: true,
    navBarTranslucent: true
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{flex: 1}}>...</View>

Adding buttons to the navigator

Nav bar buttons can be defined per-screen by adding static navigatorButtons = {...}; on the Screen definition. Handle onPress events for the buttons by overriding the Screen’s onNavigatorEvent(event) method.

Buttons object format

  rightButtons: [], // buttons for the right side of the nav bar (optional)
  leftButtons: [] // buttons for the left side of the nav bar (optional)

Screen-specific buttons example

class FirstTabScreen extends Screen {
  static navigatorButtons = {
    rightButtons: [
        title: 'Edit', // for a textual button, provide the button title (label)
        id: 'edit', // id for this button, given in onNavigatorEvent(event) to help understand which button was clicked
        testID: 'e2e_rules' // optional, used to locate this view in end-to-end tests
        icon: require('../../img/navicon_add.png'), // for icon button, provide the local image asset name
        id: 'add' // id for this button, given in onNavigatorEvent(event) to help understand which button was clicked
  constructor(props) {
  onNavigatorEvent(event) { // this is the onPress handler for the two buttons together
    if ( == 'edit') { // this is the same id field from the static navigatorButtons definition
      AlertIOS.alert('NavBar', 'Edit button pressed');
    if ( == 'add') {
      AlertIOS.alert('NavBar', 'Add button pressed');
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{flex: 1}}>...</View>