In order to animate shared element between two screens you need to wrap your element with Navigation.Element
in both screens with different elementId
For example, to animate Image
element wrap it in your first screen like this:
<Navigation.Element elementId='image1'>
<Image source={require('img/icon.png')} />
And in your second screen:
<Navigation.Element elementId='image2'>
<Image source={require('img/icon.png')} />
Then call push
or showModal
with customTransition.animations
Navigation.push(this.props.componentId, {
component: {
name: 'second.screen',
options: {
customTransition: {
animations: [
{ type: 'sharedElement', fromId: 'image1', toId: 'image2', startDelay: 0, springVelocity: 0.2, duration: 0.5 }
duration: 0.8
react-native-navigation supports the Peek and pop feature in iOS 11.4 and newer.
This works by passing a ref a componentent you would want to transform into a peek view. We have included a handly component to handle all the touches and ref for you.
const handlePress ({ reactTag }) => {
Navigation.push(this.props.componentId, {
component {
name: 'previewed.screen',
options: {
preview: {
height: 300,
width: 300,
commit: true,
actions: [{
title: "Displayed Name",
id: "actionId",
style: 'default', /* or 'selected', 'destructive'*/
actions: [/*define a submenu of actions with the same options*/]
const Button = (
<Text>My button</Text>
All options except for reactTag are optional. Actions trigger the same event as navigation button presses. To react when a preview is committed, listen to the previewCompleted event.