react-native-navigation的迁移库 4.8KB

Top Level API Migration

In order to make our API homogenous as much as possible, we provide setRoot function that will receive layout of any kind.


Registering screens without redux or any wrapping providers is the same as in v1.

Navigation.registerComponent('example.FirstTabScreen', () => FirstTabScreen);

Registering screens with wrapping provider component

Navigation.registerComponent('navigation.playground.ReduxScreen', () => (props) => (
  <Provider store={reduxStore}>
    <ReduxScreen {...props} />
), () => ReduxScreen);

!>Note that Navigation.registerComponentWithRedux is deprecated

startTabBasedApp(params) -> setRoot({bottomTabs})

  root: {
    bottomTabs: {
      children: [{
        stack: {
          children: [{
            component: {
              name: 'example.FirstTabScreen',
              passProps: {
                text: 'This is tab 1'
          options: {
            bottomTab: {
              text: 'Tab 1',
              icon: require('../images/one.png'),
              testID: 'FIRST_TAB_BAR_BUTTON'
        component: {
          name: 'navigation.playground.TextScreen',
          passProps: {
            text: 'This is tab 2'
          options: {
            bottomTab: {
              text: 'Tab 2',
              icon: require('../images/two.png'),
              testID: 'SECOND_TAB_BAR_BUTTON'

startSingleScreenApp(params) -> setRoot({stack})

Change your app root into an app based on a single screen (like the iOS Calendar or Settings app). The screen will receive its own navigation stack with a native nav bar

  root: {
    stack: {
      children: [{
        component: {
          name: 'example.WelcomeScreen',
          passProps: {
            text: 'stack with one child'
      options: {
        topBar: {
          title: {
            text: 'Welcome screen'

showModal(params = {}) -> showModal(layout = {})

Show a screen as a modal.

  stack: {
    children: [{
      component: {
        name: 'example.ModalScreen',
        passProps: {
          text: 'stack with one child'
        options: {
          topBar: {
            title: {
              text: 'Modal with stack'

dismissModal(params = {}) -> dismissModal(componentId)

Dismiss the current modal.


dismissAllModals(params = {}) -> dismissAllModals()

Dismiss all the current modals at the same time.
