react-native-navigation的迁移库 9.9KB

Styling Options

You can style the navigator appearance and behavior by passing an options object. This object can be passed when the screen is originally created; can be defined per-screen by setting static options(passProps) on the screen component; and can be overridden when a screen is pushed, dynamically (after the screen was already rendered at least once) using mergeOptions().

The easiest way to style your screen is by adding static options(passProps) to your screen React component definition. passProps is the same passProps you can specify as part of the push/modal or other command operation.

export default class StyledScreen extends Component {
  static options(passProps) {
    return {
      topBar: {
        title: {
          text: 'My Screen'
        drawBehind: true,
        visible: false,
        animate: false

  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{flex: 1}}>...</View>

Enabling persistent styling properties

In v2 we added setDefaultOptions API for styles that should be applied on all components.

setDefaultOptions Does not update options of existing component, therefore it should be called before setRoot

  topBar: {
    visible: false

Setting styles dynamically

Use the mergeOptions method to change a screen’s style dynamically. WARNING! these options will be applied on an already rendered screen, after it has been rendered at least once.

Navigation.mergeOptions(this.props.componentId, {
  topBar: {
    visible: true

Options object format

Common options

  statusBar: {
    visible: false,
    style: 'light' | 'dark'
  layout: {
    direction: 'ltr', // Supported directions are: 'rtl', 'ltr'
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    orientation: ['portrait', 'landscape'] // An array of supported orientations
  modalPresentationStyle: 'overCurrentContext', // Supported styles are: 'formSheet', 'pageSheet', 'overFullScreen', 'overCurrentContext', 'currentContext', 'popover', 'fullScreen' and 'none'. On Android, only overCurrentContext and none are supported.
  topBar: {
    visible: true,
    animate: false, // Controls whether TopBar visibility changes should be animated
    hideOnScroll: true,
    leftButtonColor: 'black',
    rightButtonColor: 'black',
    drawBehind: false,
    testID: 'topBar',
    title: {
      text: 'Title',
      fontSize: 14,
      color: 'red',
      fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
      component: {
        name: 'example.CustomTopBarTitle',
        alignment: 'center'
    subtitle: {
      text: 'Title',
      fontSize: 14,
      color: 'red',
      fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
      alignment: 'center'
    backButton: {
      icon: require('icon.png'),
      visible: true
    background: {
      color: '#00ff00',
      component: {
        name: 'example.CustomTopBarBackground'
  bottomTabs: {
    visible: true,
    animate: false, // Controls whether BottomTabs visibility changes should be animated
    currentTabIndex: 0,
    currentTabId: 'currentTabId',
    testID: 'bottomTabsTestID',
    drawBehind: false,
    backgroundColor: 'white'
  bottomTab: {
    text: 'Tab 1',
    badge: '2',
    badgeColor: 'red',
    testID: 'bottomTabTestID',
    icon: require('tab.png'),
    iconColor: 'red',
    selectedIconColor: 'blue',
    textColor: 'red',
    selectedTextColor: 'blue',
    fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
    fontSize: 10
  sideMenu: {
    left: {
      width: 260,
      height: 270,
      visible: false,
      enabled: true
    right: {
      width: 260,
      height: 270,
      visible: false,
      enabled: true
  overlay: {
    interceptTouchOutside: true,
    handleKeyboardEvents: true
  preview: {
    reactTag: 0, // result from findNodeHandle(ref)
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    commit: false,
    actions: [{
      id: 'ActionId1',
      title: 'Action title',
      style: 'selected', // default, selected, destructive,
      actions: [/* ... */]

iOS specific options

  statusBar: {
    hideWithTopBar: false,
    blur: true
  popGesture: true,
  backgroundImage: require('background.png'),
  rootBackgroundImage: require('rootBackground.png'),
  topBar: {
    barStyle: 'default' | 'black',
    background: {
      color: 'white',
      translucent: true,
      blur: false
    noBorder: false,
    backButton: {
      title: 'Back',
      showTitle: false
    searchBar: true, // iOS 11+ native UISearchBar inside topBar
    searchBarHiddenWhenScrolling: true,
    searchBarPlaceholder: 'Search', // iOS 11+ SearchBar placeholder
    largeTitle: {
      visible: true,
      fontSize: 30,
      color: 'red',
      fontFamily: 'Helvetica'
  sideMenu: {
    left: {
      shouldStretchDrawer: false, // defaults to true, when false sideMenu contents not stretched when opened past the width
      animationVelocity: 2500 // defaults to 840, high number is a faster sideMenu open/close animation
    right: {
      shouldStretchDrawer: false, // defaults to true, when false sideMenu contents not stretched when opened past the width
      animationVelocity: 2500 // defaults to 840, high number is a faster sideMenu open/close animation
    animationType: 'parallax', // defaults to none if not provided, options are 'parallax', 'door', 'slide', or 'slide-and-scale'    
    openGestureMode: 'entireScreen' | 'bezel'
  bottomTabs: {
    barStyle: 'default' | 'black',
    translucent: true,
    hideShadow: false
  bottomTab: {
    iconInsets: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 },
    selectedIcon: require('selectedTab.png'),
    disableIconTint: true, //set true if you want to disable the icon tinting
    disableSelectedIconTint: true

Android specific options

  statusBar: {
    backgroundColor: 'red',
    drawBehind: true,
    visible: false
  layout: {
    topMargin: (await Navigation.constants()).statusBarHeight, // Set the layout's top margin
    orientation: ['portrait', 'landscape'] | ['sensorLandscape'], // An array of supported orientations
    componentBackgroundColor: 'red' // Set background color only for components, helps reduce overdraw if background color is set in default options.
  topBar: {
    height: 70, // TopBar height in dp
    backButton: {
      color: 'red'
    borderColor: 'red',
    borderHeight: 1.3,
    elevation: 1.5, // TopBar elevation in dp
    topMargin: 24, // top margin in dp
    title: {
      height: 70, // TitleBar height in dp
      alignment: 'center', // Center title
  bottomTabs: {
    elevation: 8, // BottomTabs elevation in dp
    titleDisplayMode: 'alwaysShow' | 'showWhenActive' | 'alwaysHide' // Sets the title state for each tab.
  bottomTab: {
    selectedFontSize: 19 // Selected tab font size in sp

RTL layout usage

In order to set layout direction to RTL use following options:

  layout: {
    direction: rtl

also Android requires to set supportsRTL in AndroidManifest.xml

+     android:supportsRtl="true"

Styling the StatusBar

If you set any styles related to the Status Bar, make sure that in Xcode > project > Info.plist, the property View controller-based status bar appearance is set to YES.

Custom fonts

If you’d like to use a custom font, you’ll first have to edit your project.

  • Android - add the .ttf or .otf files to src/main/assets/fonts/

  • iOS - follow this guide

Custom tab icons

  • Android - add corresponding resolution icons into folders in android/app/src/main/res. For example, icon_name.png in each drawable-x folder.
  • iOS - drag and drop to Images.xcassets in Xcode. For example, image set icon_name in Images.xcassets with x1, x2, x3.

Then, the tab icon can be defined with the following syntax:

bottomTab: {
  icon: {
    uri: 'icon_name',

Customizing screen animations

Animation used for navigation commands that modify the layout hierarchy can be controlled in options. Animations can be modified per command and it’s also possible to change the default animation for each command.

Animation properties

The following properties can be animated:

  • x
  • y
  • alpha
  • scaleX
  • scaleY
  • rotationX
  • rotationY
  • rotation
  from: 0, // Mandatory, initial value
  to: 1, // Mandatory, end value
  duration: 400, // Default value is 300 ms
  startDelay: 100, // Default value is 0
  interpolation: 'accelerate' | 'decelerate' // Optional

For example, changing the animation used when the app is first launched (Supported only on Android):

  animations: {
    setRoot: {
      enabled: 'true' | 'false', // Optional, used to enable/disable the animation
      alpha: {
        from: 0,
        to: 1,
        duration: 400,
        startDelay: 100,
        interpolation: 'accelerate'

Customizing navigation commands animation

Animations for the following set of commands can be customized

  • setRoot
  • push
  • pop
  • showModal
  • dismissModal

Customizing stack command animation

When pushing and popping screens to and from a stack, you can control the TopBar, BottomTabs and actual content animations as separately.

animations: {
  push: {
    enabled: 'true' | 'false', // Optional, used to enable/disable the animation
    topBar: {
      id: 'TEST', // Optional, id of the TopBar we'd like to animate.
      alpha: {
        from: 0,
        to: 1
    bottomTabs: {
      alpha: {
        from: 0,
        to: 1
    content: {
      alpha: {
        from: 0,
        to: 1
  pop: {