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App-wide support for 100% native navigation with potential isolation support.
This would normally go in your index.ios.js
import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';
// import the components for your root screens (or the packager will not bundle them)
// they all need to be registered with Navigation.registerScreen
import './FirstTabScreen';
import './SecondTabScreen';
// start the app
title: 'One', // tab title
screen: 'example.FirstTabScreen', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
icon: require('./img/one.png'), // local asset for tab icon (unselected state)
selectedIcon: require('./img/one_selected.png'), // local asset for tab icon (selected state)
screenTitle: 'Screen One', // navigation bar title
navigatorStyle: {} // style the navigator for this screen (optional)
title: 'Two',
screen: 'example.SecondTabScreen',
icon: require('./img/two.png'),
selectedIcon: require('./img/two_selected.png'),
screenTitle: 'Screen Two'
Every screen that you want to be able to place in a tab, push to the navigation stack or present modally needs to follow two basic conventions:
Normally your React components extend React.Component
, in order to get access to the navigator
you need to extend Screen
You need to register your component since it’s displayed as a separate React root. Register a unique ID with Navigation.registerScreen
Note: Since your screens will potentially be bundled with other packages, your registered name must be unique! Follow a namespacing convention like
import { Navigation, Screen } from 'react-native-navigation';
class ExampleScreen extends Screen {
static navigatorStyle = {}; // style the navigator for this screen (optional)
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>...</View>
// register all screens with Navigation.registerScreen
Navigation.registerScreen('example.ScreenOne', () => ExampleScreen);
This API is available through the navigator
object. When your screen components extend Screen
, they have this.navigator
available and initialized.
screen: 'example.ScreenThree', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
title: undefined, // navigation bar title of the pushed screen (optional)
passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the pushed component (optional)
animated: true, // does the push have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
backButtonTitle: undefined, // override the back button title (optional)
navigatorStyle: {} // override the navigator style for the pushed screen (optional)
animated: true // does the pop have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
title: 'One', // tab title
screen: 'example.FirstTabScreen', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
icon: require('./img/one.png'), // local asset for tab icon (unselected state)
selectedIcon: require('./img/one_selected.png'), // local asset for tab icon (selected state)
screenTitle: 'Screen One', // navigation bar title
navigatorStyle: {} // style the navigator for this screen (optional)
title: 'Two',
screen: 'example.SecondTabScreen',
icon: require('./img/two.png'),
selectedIcon: require('./img/two_selected.png'),
screenTitle: 'Screen Two'
screen: 'example.WelcomeScreen', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
screenTitle: 'Welcome', // navigation bar title
navigatorStyle: {} // style the navigator for this screen (optional)
It is also possible to switch between types of apps while the app is running. This can be useful for example when switching from a login mode (which has no tabs = startSingleScreenApp
) to the actual app itself (which has tabs = startTabBasedApp
). Please note that when switching formats, the entire “old” app will be unmounted and released.
Tip: The other pattern of implementing login is having just one app type (like tabs) and showing the login dialog as a modal that hides the tabs when the app is launched. When login is completed, this modal is dismissed.
You can style the navigator appearance and behavior by passing a navigatorStyle
object. This object can be passed when the screen is originally created; can be defined per-screen in the static navigatorStyle = {};
on Screen
; and can be overridden when a screen is pushed.
All supported styles are defined here.