
options-sideMenuSide.mdx 796B

  1. ---
  2. id: options-sideMenuSide
  3. title: Side Menu Side Options
  4. sidebar_label: Side Menu Side
  5. ---
  6. ```js
  7. const options = {
  8. sideMenu: {
  9. left: {
  10. visible: false,
  11. enabled: true
  12. }
  13. }
  14. };
  15. ```
  16. ### `visible`
  17. Show or hide the side menu.
  18. | Type | Required | Platform |
  19. | ------- | -------- | -------- |
  20. | boolean | No | Both |
  21. ### `enabled`
  22. Enable or disable the side menu.
  23. | Type | Required | Platform |
  24. | ------- | -------- | -------- |
  25. | boolean | No | Both |
  26. ### `width`
  27. Set the width of the side menu.
  28. | Type | Required | Platform |
  29. | ------ | -------- | -------- |
  30. | number | No | Both |
  31. ### `height`
  32. Set the height of the side menu.
  33. | Type | Required | Platform |
  34. | ------ | -------- | -------- |
  35. | number | No | Both |