You can style the tab bar appearance by passing a tabsStyle
object when the app is originally created (on startTabBasedApp
tabs: [ ... ],
tabsStyle: { // optional, **iOS Only** add this if you want to style the tab bar beyond the defaults
tabBarButtonColor: '#ff0000'
tabBarHidden: false, // make the tab bar hidden
tabBarButtonColor: '#ffff00', // change the color of the tab icons and text (also unselected)
tabBarSelectedButtonColor: '#ff9900', // change the color of the selected tab icon and text (only selected)
tabBarBackgroundColor: '#551A8B', // change the background color of the tab bar
tabBarTranslucent: false, // change the translucent of the tab bar to false
tabBarTextFontFamily: 'Avenir-Medium', //change the tab font family
tabBarLabelColor: '#ffb700', // iOS only. change the color of tab text
tabBarSelectedLabelColor: 'red', // iOS only. change the color of the selected tab text
forceTitlesDisplay: true, // Android only. If true - Show all bottom tab labels. If false - only the selected tab's label is visible.
tabBarHideShadow: true // iOS only. Remove default tab bar top shadow (hairline)
?> On Android, add BottomTabs styles to AppStyle
tabs: [...],
appStyle: {
tabBarBackgroundColor: '#0f2362',
tabBarButtonColor: '#ffffff',
tabBarSelectedButtonColor: '#63d7cc',
tabBarTranslucent: false,
tabFontFamily: 'Avenir-Medium' // existing font family name or asset file without extension which can be '.ttf' or '.otf' (searched only if '.ttf' asset not found)