
Release Notes


  • Breaking change: in order to handle nav button press events, you now need to register your event handler explicitly. Until now, you’ve just had to have onNavigatorEvent(event) method on your screen component. From now on, explicitly register your handler with navigator.setOnNavigatorEvent(this.onNavigatorEvent.bind(this));. A good place to do this is in your screen’s constructor. See the example for an example.
  • Simplified API significantly. You now don’t need to have your screen components extend Screen. You can leave them extending React’s traditional Component. When you register your screen, instead of using Navigation.registerScreen directly, you can now use Navigation.registerComponent. This wrapper will wrap your regular component with a Screen automatically and pass the navigator instance through props. The benefit of this change is that your screen components now have zero(!) references to react-native-navigation. All of the changes required by this package are now purely concentrated in one place - your app bootstrap.
  • Added redux example and optional redux support