feat(ios): Generate history API events on iOS (#1082)
BREAKING CHANGE: if you use onNavigationStateChange on iOS it will now trigger on # changes to the url.
* Hook the `window.history` API on iOS to generate events
The underlying WKWebView doesn't seem to generate any events in response to the `window.history` API - none of the `WKNavigationDelegate` methods fire.
Given this limitation, the only way to know when the location changes via this API is to inject Javascript into the page and have it notify the native code directly when any of these functions are called.
The `setTimeout` call gives up the current tick, allowing the location to change before firing the event.
* Remove the outdated section about hash changes
Now that this bug is fixed, the workaround is no longer required.
UIWindowDidBecomeVisibleNotification and UIWindowDidBecomeHiddenNotification seem far more reliable at detecting fullscreen video.
Tested on iOS 11, 12 and 13
fix(iOS): use RCTConvert to convert allowingReadAccessToURL. (#845)
* fix(ios):use RCTConvert to convert url instead of using URLWithStringg
* fix(iOS):remove stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding, because it's deprecated in iOS 9
Apple required us to remove this (see #819)
BREAKING CHANGE: UIWebView has been removed
BREAKING CHANGE: useWebkit prop removal
BREAKING CHANGE: scalesPageToFit prop removal on iOS (since it's not compatible with WKWebview)
BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed RNCWKWebView to RNCWebView on iOS
* Adding a `contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior` prop to the WebView for iOS.
This controls the way iOS will automatically adjust the insets when the
webview is behind things like the iPhone X notch.
* Removing the code to explicitly pass contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior to the WebView since it is already passed in otherProps.
feat(injectedJavaScript): Error replaced by warnings, and callback runs
* Changes error/redbox into warning/yellowbox. So wouldn't crash production releases
* Warning added actual error, useful for debugging bad JS injected into webview
* callback runs, whether there's error or not. As used in my app (https://medium.com/wonderswipe/rethink-mobile-search-10-100x-faster-introducing-wonderswipe-6f2ff0d0e6) which injects JS into sanitized html from the wild, small error in injected JS doesn't warrant the whole JS payload from being injected/run
feat(onScroll): Add `onScroll` callback for iOS & Android (#516)
* Add `onScroll` callback for iOS & Android
This code was mostly extracted from https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-webview/pull/202
I tried and tried to make it work with `Animated.event`'s `useNativeDriver`, but I was unsuccessful 😢 that'll have to be done later once I understand better how Animated's native stuff is hooked up.
* fix crash for missing onScroll
feat(WKWebView): Allow focus without user interaction (#540)
* [iOS] Allow focus without user interaction
* Add documentation for keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction
* set keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction default to true
feat(iOS cookies): implement sharedCookiesEnabled prop for iOS RNCWKWebView (#175)
We had the problem on iOS WebViews that local cookies (stored in local HTTPCookieStorage, set with [react-native-cookie](https://github.com/shimohq/react-native-cookie) ) were not added in loadRequests. On Android the local stored cookies were sent like expected.
This kinda "hacky" solution is the only way we found, that works for us.
The stack overview link is in the code below.
If someone finds a better solution we would very much like to accept that.
fix(WKWebView): resolved crash with WebKit on iOS 9.x. (#342)
This PR fixes two crashes when enableWebKit is true (which was the default) on iOS 9.x. The first one when the WebView component was mounted (fixes issue #150) and the second one, when the component was unmounted (fixes issue #213).
The first problem happen when the RNCWKWebView.m was loaded:
The programming guide for WebKit (version 2006) ([pdf](http://mirror.informatimago.com/next/developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DisplayWebContent/WebKit_DisplayWebContent.pdf)) from Apple said, that it is (was) required to check if the 'new' WebKit Framework was available. This was required when the WebKit framework was only available on Mac OS X (10.2) when the Safari was installed. 😆
Because WebKit is (currently..) a fix part of iOS we didn't need this check this anymore to determinate if WebKit is available. I also see no other reference that this is required in iOS so I just remove this code. Without this code the WebView works also on iOS 9.x.
The second issue happen when the WKWebView was removed from the native view hierarchy. Its required (only on iOS 9) to remove the UIScrollView delegate before cleaning up the webview.
Its possible to try this PR with:
npm install --save "react-native-webview@jerolimov/react-native-webview#fix-ios9-crash"
# or
yarn add "react-native-webview@jerolimov/react-native-webview#fix-ios9-crash"
If you use CocoaPods, you should also update your Pods with
cd ios && pod update && cd ..
feat(Android/iOS postMessage): refactoring the old postMessage implementation (#303)
fixes #29
fixes #272
fixes #221
fixes #105
fixes #66
BREAKING CHANGE: Communication from webview to react-native has been completely rewritten. React-native-webview will not use or override window.postMessage anymore. Reasons behind these changes can be found throughout so many issues that it made sense to go that way.
Instead of using window.postMessage(data, *), please now use window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(data).
Side note: if you wish to keep compatibility with the old version when you upgrade, you can use the injectedJavascript prop to do that:
const injectedJavascript = `(function() {
window.postMessage = function(data) {
Huge thanks to @jordansexton and @KoenLav!
Added a new cacheEnabled prop to toggle Android & iOS webview caching behavior.
BREAKING CHANGE: This change makes caching enabled by default when previously there was no caching behavior which may cause unexpected behaviour changes in your existing implementations.
feat(WKWebview): Add shared process pool so cookies and localStorage are shared across webviews in iOS (#138)
* fix(WKWebview): [iOS] Add shared process pool so cookies and localStorage are shared across webviews (#68)
* Add optional shared process pool
BREAKING CHANGE: useSharedProcessPool prop is set to true by default. If you want the old behavior, please use useSharedProcessPool={false}
In the current code using `startInLoadingState` and `injectedJavaScript` will result in an infinite loading state if `injectedJavaScript` fails to evaluate for some reason. This adds a red box error explaining there was a failure to evaluate javascript. In my case this was do to the JS string not returning a valid type so I've added a that as a potential solution in the error message and added some documentation to the API Reference with some additional warnings.
To reproduce the existing behavior setup a webview with `startInLoadingState` and `injectedJavaScript` that returns an invalid type (in my case it returned a function). You should see an infinite loading state as `onLoadEnd` is never called.
Try the same with this branch and you'll get a nice red box error suggesting one potential solution to the problem.