feat(iOS): Add onFileDownload callback to help iOS apps implement file downloads.
`onFileDownload` is called with the URL that you can use to download the file.
When RNCWebView detects that the HTTP response should result in a file download,
`onFileDownload` is called. The client can then provide code to download
the file.
RNCWebView determines that a file download should take place if either of the
following is true:
1. The HTTP response contains a `Content-Disposition` header that is of type
2. The MIME type of the response cannot be rendered by the iOS WebView
Apple required us to remove this (see #819)
BREAKING CHANGE: UIWebView has been removed
BREAKING CHANGE: useWebkit prop removal
BREAKING CHANGE: scalesPageToFit prop removal on iOS (since it's not compatible with WKWebview)
BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed RNCWKWebView to RNCWebView on iOS
feat(focus): Add functionality to imperatively focus webview (#567)
* - add focus functionality for devices without touch screen
(faced problem while developing for android TV, cause there only remote controller for device)
* Reimplement as a ref method.
* - remove redundant requestFocus
feat(onScroll): Add `onScroll` callback for iOS & Android (#516)
* Add `onScroll` callback for iOS & Android
This code was mostly extracted from https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-webview/pull/202
I tried and tried to make it work with `Animated.event`'s `useNativeDriver`, but I was unsuccessful 😢 that'll have to be done later once I understand better how Animated's native stuff is hooked up.
* fix crash for missing onScroll
feat(typescript): Source code rewrite using typescript (#425)
Rewrote the whole repository into typescript. This will provide way better and up to date documentation. This should also add some safety for people contributing 😄 .
Flow types were not working until now which is why this PR doesn't have them but feel free to PR.
This also fixes #384#435#206#171#168.