import React from 'react';
import { NativeSyntheticEvent } from 'react-native';
import { WebViewError, WebViewSharedProps, WebViewProgressEvent } from './types/WebViewTypes';
declare enum WebViewState {
declare enum NavigationType {
click = "click",
formsubmit = "formsubmit",
backforward = "backforward",
reload = "reload",
formresubmit = "formresubmit",
other = "other"
declare type State = {
viewState: WebViewState;
lastErrorEvent: WebViewError | null;
* `WebView` renders web content in a native view.
* import React, { Component } from 'react';
* import { WebView } from 'react-native';
* class MyWeb extends Component {
* render() {
* return (
* );
* }
* }
* You can use this component to navigate back and forth in the web view's
* history and configure various properties for the web content.
export default class WebView extends React.Component {
static JSNavigationScheme: string;
static NavigationType: typeof NavigationType;
static defaultProps: {
useWebKit: boolean;
originWhitelist: string[];
static isFileUploadSupported: () => Promise;
state: State;
webViewRef: React.RefObject>;
UNSAFE_componentWillMount(): void;
_getCommands(): {
goForward: () => void;
goBack: () => void;
reload: () => void;
stopLoading: () => void;
postMessage: () => void;
injectJavaScript: () => void;
* Go forward one page in the web view's history.
goForward: () => void;
* Go back one page in the web view's history.
goBack: () => void;
* Reloads the current page.
reload: () => void;
* Stop loading the current page.
stopLoading: () => void;
* Posts a message to the web view, which will emit a `message` event.
* Accepts one argument, `data`, which must be a string.
* In your webview, you'll need to something like the following.
* ```js
* document.addEventListener('message', e => { document.title =; });
* ```
postMessage: (data: string) => void;
* Injects a javascript string into the referenced WebView. Deliberately does not
* return a response because using eval() to return a response breaks this method
* on pages with a Content Security Policy that disallows eval(). If you need that
* functionality, look into postMessage/onMessage.
injectJavaScript: (data: string) => void;
* We return an event with a bunch of fields including:
* url, title, loading, canGoBack, canGoForward
_updateNavigationState: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent) => void;
* Returns the native `WebView` node.
getWebViewHandle: () => number | null;
_onLoadingStart: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent) => void;
_onLoadingError: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent) => void;
_onLoadingFinish: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent) => void;
_onMessage: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent) => void;
_onLoadingProgress: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent) => void;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: WebViewSharedProps): void;
_showRedboxOnPropChanges(prevProps: WebViewSharedProps, propName: 'allowsInlineMediaPlayback' | 'mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction' | 'dataDetectorTypes'): void;
render(): React.ReactNode;
export {};