/*! * * ZSSRichTextEditor v0.5.2 * http://www.zedsaid.com * * Copyright 2014 Zed Said Studio LLC * */ var zss_editor = {}; // If we are using iOS or desktop zss_editor.isUsingiOS = true; // If the user is draging zss_editor.isDragging = false; // The current selection zss_editor.currentSelection; // The current editing image zss_editor.currentEditingImage; // The current editing link zss_editor.currentEditingLink; // The objects that are enabled zss_editor.enabledItems = {}; // Height of content window, will be set by viewController zss_editor.contentHeight = 244; // Sets to true when extra footer gap shows and requires to hide zss_editor.updateScrollOffset = false; /** * The initializer function that must be called onLoad */ function setupTouchEndEnableEditing(editorId) { $(`#${editorId}`).on('touchend', function(e) { zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(e); var clicked = $(e.target); if (!clicked.hasClass('zs_active')) { $('img').removeClass('zs_active'); } }); } function setupSelectionChange(editorId) { $(document).on('selectionchange',function(e){ zss_editor.calculateEditorHeightWithCaretPosition(editorId); zss_editor.setScrollPosition(); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(e); }); } function setupTouchEndFocus(editorId) { $(window).on('touchend', function(e) { if (!zss_editor.isDragging && (e.target.id == "zss_editor_footer"||e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "html")) { zss_editor.focusEditor(editorId); } }); } function disableLineBreakIfNecessary(editorId) { var editor = $(`#${editorId}`); var disableLineBreaks = editor.attr("disableLineBreaks"); if (disableLineBreaks) { editor.keypress(function(e){ return e.which != 13; }); } } zss_editor.init = function() { disableLineBreakIfNecessary('zss_editor_title'); disableLineBreakIfNecessary('zss_editor_content'); setupTouchEndEnableEditing('zss_editor_title'); setupTouchEndEnableEditing('zss_editor_content'); setupSelectionChange('zss_editor_title'); setupSelectionChange('zss_editor_content'); $(window).on('scroll', function(e) { zss_editor.updateOffset(); }); // Make sure that when we tap anywhere in the document we focus on the editor $(window).on('touchmove', function(e) { zss_editor.isDragging = true; zss_editor.updateScrollOffset = true; zss_editor.setScrollPosition(); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(e); }); $(window).on('touchstart', function(e) { zss_editor.isDragging = false; }); setupTouchEndFocus('zss_editor_title'); setupTouchEndFocus('zss_editor_content'); setTimeout(function() { WebViewBridge.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'ZSS_INITIALIZED'})) }, 20); }//end zss_editor.updateOffset = function() { if (!zss_editor.updateScrollOffset) return; var offsetY = window.document.body.scrollTop; var footer = $('#zss_editor_footer'); var maxOffsetY = footer.offset().top - zss_editor.contentHeight; if (maxOffsetY < 0) maxOffsetY = 0; if (offsetY > maxOffsetY) { window.scrollTo(0, maxOffsetY); } zss_editor.setScrollPosition(); } // This will show up in the XCode console as we are able to push this into an NSLog. zss_editor.debug = function(msg) { WebViewBridge.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'LOG', data: msg})); } zss_editor.setScrollPosition = function() { var position = window.pageYOffset; WebViewBridge.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'SCROLL', data: position})); } function setPlaceholder(editorId, placeholder) { var editor = $(`#${editorId}`); //set placeHolder editor.attr("placeholder",placeholder); //set focus editor.focusout(function(){ var element = $(this); if (!element.text().trim().length) { element.empty(); } }); } zss_editor.setTitlePlaceholder = function(placeholder) { setPlaceholder('zss_editor_title', placeholder); } zss_editor.setContentPlaceholder = function(placeholder) { setPlaceholder('zss_editor_content', placeholder); } zss_editor.setFooterHeight = function(footerHeight) { var footer = $('#zss_editor_footer'); footer.height(footerHeight + 'px'); } zss_editor.getCaretYPosition = function() { var sel = window.getSelection(); // Next line is comented to prevent deselecting selection. It looks like work but if there are any issues will appear then uconmment it as well as code above. //sel.collapseToStart(); var range = sel.getRangeAt(0); var span = document.createElement('span');// something happening here preventing selection of elements range.collapse(false); range.insertNode(span); var topPosition = span.offsetTop; span.parentNode.removeChild(span); return topPosition; } zss_editor.calculateEditorHeightWithCaretPosition = function(editorId) { var padding = 50; var c = zss_editor.getCaretYPosition(); var e = document.getElementById(editorId); var editor = $(`#${editorId}`); var offsetY = window.document.body.scrollTop; var height = zss_editor.contentHeight; var newPos = window.pageYOffset; if (c < offsetY) { newPos = c; } else if (c > (offsetY + height - padding)) { var newPos = c - height + padding - 18; } window.scrollTo(0, newPos); } zss_editor.backuprange = function(){ var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = selection.getRangeAt(0); zss_editor.currentSelection = {"startContainer": range.startContainer, "startOffset":range.startOffset,"endContainer":range.endContainer, "endOffset":range.endOffset}; } zss_editor.restorerange = function(){ var selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); var range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(zss_editor.currentSelection.startContainer, zss_editor.currentSelection.startOffset); range.setEnd(zss_editor.currentSelection.endContainer, zss_editor.currentSelection.endOffset); selection.addRange(range); } zss_editor.getSelectedNode = function() { var node,selection; if (window.getSelection) { selection = getSelection(); node = selection.anchorNode; } if (!node && document.selection) { selection = document.selection var range = selection.getRangeAt ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : selection.createRange(); node = range.commonAncestorContainer ? range.commonAncestorContainer : range.parentElement ? range.parentElement() : range.item(0); } if (node) { return (node.nodeName == "#text" ? node.parentNode : node); } }; zss_editor.setBold = function() { document.execCommand('bold', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setItalic = function() { document.execCommand('italic', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setSubscript = function() { document.execCommand('subscript', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setSuperscript = function() { document.execCommand('superscript', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setStrikeThrough = function() { document.execCommand('strikeThrough', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setUnderline = function() { document.execCommand('underline', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setBlockquote = function() { document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '
'); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.removeFormating = function() { document.execCommand('removeFormat', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setHorizontalRule = function() { document.execCommand('insertHorizontalRule', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setHeading = function(heading) { var current_selection = $(zss_editor.getSelectedNode()); var t = current_selection.prop("tagName").toLowerCase(); var is_heading = (t == 'h1' || t == 'h2' || t == 'h3' || t == 'h4' || t == 'h5' || t == 'h6'); if (is_heading && heading == t) { //var c = current_selection.html(); //current_selection.replaceWith(c); } else { document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '<'+heading+'>'); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setParagraph = function() { var current_selection = $(zss_editor.getSelectedNode()); var t = current_selection.prop("tagName").toLowerCase(); var is_paragraph = (t == 'p'); if (is_paragraph) { var c = current_selection.html(); current_selection.replaceWith(c); } else { document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '

'); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } // Need way to remove formatBlock console.log('WARNING: We need a way to remove formatBlock items'); zss_editor.undo = function() { document.execCommand('undo', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.redo = function() { document.execCommand('redo', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setOrderedList = function() { document.execCommand('insertOrderedList', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setUnorderedList = function() { document.execCommand('insertUnorderedList', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setJustifyCenter = function() { document.execCommand('justifyCenter', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setJustifyFull = function() { document.execCommand('justifyFull', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setJustifyLeft = function() { document.execCommand('justifyLeft', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setJustifyRight = function() { document.execCommand('justifyRight', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setIndent = function() { document.execCommand('indent', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setOutdent = function() { document.execCommand('outdent', false, null); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setFontFamily = function(fontFamily) { zss_editor.restorerange(); document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, true); document.execCommand("fontName", false, fontFamily); document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, false); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.setTextColor = function(color) { zss_editor.restorerange(); document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, true); document.execCommand('foreColor', false, color); document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, false); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); // document.execCommand("removeFormat", false, "foreColor"); // Removes just foreColor } zss_editor.setBackgroundColor = function(color) { zss_editor.restorerange(); document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, true); document.execCommand('hiliteColor', false, color); document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, false); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } // Needs addClass method zss_editor.insertLink = function(url, title) { zss_editor.restorerange(); var sel = document.getSelection(); console.log(sel); if (sel.toString().length != 0) { if (sel.rangeCount) { var el = document.createElement("a"); el.setAttribute("href", url); el.setAttribute("title", title); var range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange(); range.surroundContents(el); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } } else { document.execCommand("insertHTML",false,""+title+""); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.updateLink = function(url, title) { zss_editor.restorerange(); if (zss_editor.currentEditingLink) { var c = zss_editor.currentEditingLink; c.attr('href', url); c.attr('title', title); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); }//end zss_editor.updateImage = function(url, alt) { zss_editor.restorerange(); if (zss_editor.currentEditingImage) { var c = zss_editor.currentEditingImage; c.attr('src', url); c.attr('alt', alt); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); }//end zss_editor.updateImageBase64String = function(imageBase64String, alt) { zss_editor.restorerange(); if (zss_editor.currentEditingImage) { var c = zss_editor.currentEditingImage; var src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + imageBase64String; c.attr('src', src); c.attr('alt', alt); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); }//end zss_editor.unlink = function() { if (zss_editor.currentEditingLink) { var c = zss_editor.currentEditingLink; c.contents().unwrap(); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.quickLink = function() { var sel = document.getSelection(); var link_url = ""; var test = new String(sel); var mailregexp = new RegExp("^(.+)(\@)(.+)$", "gi"); if (test.search(mailregexp) == -1) { checkhttplink = new RegExp("^http\:\/\/", "gi"); if (test.search(checkhttplink) == -1) { checkanchorlink = new RegExp("^\#", "gi"); if (test.search(checkanchorlink) == -1) { link_url = "http://" + sel; } else { link_url = sel; } } else { link_url = sel; } } else { checkmaillink = new RegExp("^mailto\:", "gi"); if (test.search(checkmaillink) == -1) { link_url = "mailto:" + sel; } else { link_url = sel; } } var html_code = '' + sel + ''; zss_editor.insertHTML(html_code); } zss_editor.prepareInsert = function() { zss_editor.backuprange(); } zss_editor.insertImage = function(url, alt) { zss_editor.restorerange(); var html = ''+alt+''; zss_editor.insertHTML(html); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } zss_editor.insertImageBase64String = function(imageBase64String, alt) { zss_editor.restorerange(); var html = ''+alt+''; zss_editor.insertHTML(html); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } function setHTML(editorId, html) { var editor = $(`#${editorId}`); editor.html(html); } zss_editor.setTitleHTML = function(html) { setHTML('zss_editor_title', html); } zss_editor.setContentHTML = function(html) { setHTML('zss_editor_content', html); } zss_editor.insertHTML = function(html) { document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, html); zss_editor.enabledEditingItems(); } function getHtml(editorId) { // Images var img = $('img'); if (img.length != 0) { $('img').removeClass('zs_active'); $('img').each(function(index, e) { var image = $(this); var zs_class = image.attr('class'); if (typeof(zs_class) != "undefined") { if (zs_class == '') { image.removeAttr('class'); } } }); } // Blockquote var bq = $('blockquote'); if (bq.length != 0) { bq.each(function() { var b = $(this); if (b.css('border').indexOf('none') != -1) { b.css({'border': ''}); } if (b.css('padding').indexOf('0px') != -1) { b.css({'padding': ''}); } }); } // Get the contents var h = document.getElementById(editorId).innerHTML; return h; } zss_editor.getTitleHTML = function() { return getHtml("zss_editor_title"); } zss_editor.getContentHTML = function() { return getHtml("zss_editor_content"); } zss_editor.getTitleText = function() { return $('#zss_editor_title').text(); } zss_editor.getContentText = function() { return $('#zss_editor_content').text(); } zss_editor.isCommandEnabled = function(commandName) { return document.queryCommandState(commandName); } zss_editor.enabledEditingItems = function(e) { console.log('enabledEditingItems'); var items = []; if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('bold')) { items.push('bold'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('italic')) { items.push('italic'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('subscript')) { items.push('subscript'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('superscript')) { items.push('superscript'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('strikeThrough')) { items.push('strikeThrough'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('underline')) { items.push('underline'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('insertOrderedList')) { items.push('orderedList'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('insertUnorderedList')) { items.push('unorderedList'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('justifyCenter')) { items.push('justifyCenter'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('justifyFull')) { items.push('justifyFull'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('justifyLeft')) { items.push('justifyLeft'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('justifyRight')) { items.push('justifyRight'); } if (zss_editor.isCommandEnabled('insertHorizontalRule')) { items.push('horizontalRule'); } var formatBlock = document.queryCommandValue('formatBlock'); if (formatBlock.length > 0) { items.push(formatBlock); } // Images $('img').bind('touchstart', function(e) { $('img').removeClass('zs_active'); $(this).addClass('zs_active'); }); // Use jQuery to figure out those that are not supported if (typeof(e) != "undefined") { // The target element var s = zss_editor.getSelectedNode(); var t = $(s); var nodeName = e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // Background Color var bgColor = t.css('backgroundColor'); if (bgColor.length != 0 && bgColor != 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' && bgColor != 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' && bgColor != 'transparent') { items.push('backgroundColor'); } // Text Color var textColor = t.css('color'); if (textColor.length != 0 && textColor != 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' && textColor != 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' && textColor != 'transparent') { items.push('textColor'); } //Fonts var font = t.css('font-family'); if (font.length != 0 && font != 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif') { items.push('fonts'); } // Link if (nodeName == 'a') { zss_editor.currentEditingLink = t; var title = t.attr('title'); items.push('link:'+t.attr('href')); if (t.attr('title') !== undefined) { items.push('link-title:'+t.attr('title')); } } else { zss_editor.currentEditingLink = null; } // Blockquote if (nodeName == 'blockquote') { items.push('indent'); } // Image if (nodeName == 'img') { zss_editor.currentEditingImage = t; items.push('image:'+t.attr('src')); if (t.attr('alt') !== undefined) { items.push('image-alt:'+t.attr('alt')); } } else { zss_editor.currentEditingImage = null; } } WebViewBridge.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'SELECTION_CHANGE', data: {items}})) } zss_editor.focusContent = function() { $('#zss_editor_content').focus(); } zss_editor.focusTitle = function() { $('#zss_editor_title').focus(); } zss_editor.focusEditor = function(editorId) { // the following was taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1125292/how-to-move-cursor-to-end-of-contenteditable-entity/3866442#3866442 // and ensures we move the cursor to the end of the editor var editor = $(`#${editorId}`); var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(editor.get(0)); range.collapse(false); var selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); editor.focus(); } zss_editor.blurTitleEditor = function() { $('#zss_editor_title').blur(); } zss_editor.blurContentEditor = function() { $('#zss_editor_content').blur(); } zss_editor.setCustomCSS = function(customCSS) { document.getElementsByTagName('style')[0].innerHTML=customCSS; //set focus /*editor.focusout(function(){ var element = $(this); if (!element.text().trim().length) { element.empty(); } });*/ } function addFocusEvent(editorId, callbackHandler) { var editor = $(`#${editorId}`); editor.focus(callbackHandler); } zss_editor.setTitleFocusHandler = function() { addFocusEvent('zss_editor_title', function() { WebViewBridge.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'TITLE_FOCUSED'})) }); } zss_editor.setContentFocusHandler = function() { addFocusEvent('zss_editor_content', function() { WebViewBridge.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'CONTENT_FOCUSED'})) }); } //end